If you're looking to view a list of non-renewed dues invoices in Novi, please refer to this article.
Steps to Pull a Credit Memo Report in QuickBooks:
1. Generate a standard "Sales by Product/Service Detail" report.
This is done inside of QuickBooks - go to the "Reports" tab and scroll down to the "Sales and Customers" section.
2. Customize the report by Transaction Type.
Click the "Customize" button (top right) and go to the "Filter" section. Set the Transaction Type to "Credit Memo."
3. Optional: Limit the report to the items you'd like to focus on.
If your goal is to show credit memos for dues non-renewals, then you'll want to set the items to match your dues items. Similarly, if you're looking for credit memos issued on event registrations, you will want to filter by those particular items.
4. Report Period
Don't forget to set your dates!
5. Run Report
After selecting all appropriate settings, click the "Run Report" button. There's also a button to "Save Customization" for future use.