To send a mass communication email to any members who have an open dues balance, start by creating a group in Novi.
Step #1: Create a Group in Novi & Sync Email List
Create a new group
Set the condition "Open Dues Balance" to greater than 0
You could also consider using "Overdue Dues Balance" to only include ones that are past due.
Review the settings in the Group Beneficiaries section
Toggle the Sync to MailChimp or Constant Contact setting to ON
Review the Emails to Sync*
*Note: If you are a trade or hybrid association and you are sending the email to a member company, you may want to add or only send it to the billing contact for that company.
Save & Close
>> If you need more detailed information on how to create a new Group and set conditions, check out the Create a New Group in Novi article.
Step #2: Send Email via MailChimp or Constant Contact
Now that a unique Group has been created and the email list synced, you can send out an email blast to outstanding offenders. :)
Because this group will continually be running in the background, you can use this same email list at any time without having to re-run the list.
Optional: Consider adding instructions in the body of the email on the best way for the member to pay their invoice. Most likely, this is going to be via their Member Compass. You may want to include instructions on how to create their account or reset their password if needed. A few extra minutes setting up the email could save you hours of staff time receiving phone call and email requests for a copy of the invoice!
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