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Adding Custom Messages to Transactions

Learn how to add a custom message to transactions in Novi AMS and QuickBooks.

Pete Zimek, CAE avatar
Written by Pete Zimek, CAE
Updated over 4 months ago

There are a couple of ways to add a custom message to transactions (invoices and sales receipts) that are created within both Novi AMS and QuickBooks.

This article will cover the following:

One-Off Message on a Single Transaction

If you'd like to add a one-off message to an invoice or sales receipt, you can do so inside of QuickBooks.  Simply open the transaction record, look for the "Message displayed on invoice" or "Message displayed on sales receipt" field, add your custom message, and save.

Messages on Dues Invoices

Novi AMS gives you the ability to automatically add a custom message for all dues transactions. This can be customized by member type. Go to the member type on the backend, click on the Settings tab & scroll down until you get to the Accounting section.

>> Learn more about the "Message Displayed on Invoice" field for dues invoices, including how you can add the Membership Period Start Date and New Expiration Date using merge fields.

Messages on Ecommerce or Event Invoices

Similar to dues invoices, you can also add a message that will appear on ecommerce and/or event invoices.

These can be set up in Association Settings (found in the gear icon in the top right corner of the backend) in either the Events tab or Ecommerce tab under their respective "Accounting" sections.

Note that for Ecommerce, the ecommerce-specific message only appears on ecommerce-only invoices. This will not appear on invoices for membership or dues that include product add-ons.

For events, the message will follow an automatic note that includes the event name and date.

Transaction Templates

If you would like to customize the text that is visible on all transactions, updating your transaction template within QuickBooks may be the best option. "Sales Forms" that are updated in QuickBooks will automatically sync over to Novi AMS.

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