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Reporting Bugs

Learn how to help the Novi AMS support team resolve issues quickly.

Pete Zimek, CAE avatar
Written by Pete Zimek, CAE
Updated over a week ago

Experiencing the occasional bug is a unavoidable with any software. That's why the Novi AMS team has a robust plan for quickly triaging and ultimately fixing the bugs that our users may experience from time to time.

As our association partner, you can help us to speed up the time to resolution by submitting bug reports in a timely manner and with as much detail as possible.

The first step to addressing a bug is to re-create the issue that the user experienced.  While we have some sophisticated tooling in place to do this, providing us with details will give our team a road map to follow.

Detailed information might include:

  • Username or email of the person experiencing the bug

  • URL where the bug occurred

  • Date/time the issue occurred

  • Text that was being entered  or activity that was being

  • Expected result of the user's  action and the actual result

  • Affect the bug causes for the  business

Timely Reports are Best

The further we get away from the occurrence of the bug, the harder it can be for our team to recreate it.  Data can change and some detailed logging info can be purged.  The quicker you report any issue, the better.

Report in Writing through Intercom

We ask that bug reports be made in writing through Intercom (the blue chat bubble at the bottom right of every admin page). Intercom will alert our entire support team of your issue and allowing us to collaborate on a solution in ways that a phone call or direct email will not.  Additionally, the system ensures that your report does not get lost or overlooked.

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