You've gotten a prospect to join as a member or a non-member you were tracking to join the association.ย Or maybe an expired member who was dropped is ready to reinstate their membership.
Kudos to you! Now what?
Open the member/customer record that you want to update.
Navigate to the Details tab.
Ensure that the member has the correct Member Type selected. Remember, a "non-dues paying member" can only inherit member benefits.
Save (if you changed the member type or any other information on the record).
If the member is expired, press the Renew Membership button. If the member is a prospect, then press the Convert Prospect to Member button.
When the Create Membership or Renew Membership screen opens, review the Membership Summary for accuracy.
Enter payment information -or- if you don't need to charge for dues, toggle Charge for Dues to Off.
Depending on your business practices, you may save & close, save & send (the invoice), or save & print (the invoice).
Customer Record:
Create/Renew Membership Modal:
Create Membership without Charging
To update membership information without creating a dues invoice, follow the same workflow (above) with one exception. On the Create Membership/Renew Membership screen, toggle Charge for Dues to Off.