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How To Anonymize A Record

When necessary, you have the ability to make a record anonymous to meet GDPR standards.

Melisa Smith avatar
Written by Melisa Smith
Updated over a week ago

To help accommodate GDPR requests, we allow you to anonymize individual's records so that their information is essentially "wiped" from the database. 

This essentially removes all identifying information for the member, including changes in the audit log.

Please note! Due to the purpose behind this feature, this is NOT an action that can be undone. Anonymizing a record removes the record's information indefinitely, and we cannot retrieve it for you.

What happens when you anonymize a record?

This action renames the customer to "Anonymous Person," deactivates them and removes their headshot, job title, and all contact information.

The audit log for the record also has identifying information retracted, though you can see who anonymized the record and when.

If more than one person within the same parent company (or lack thereof) is anonymized, their new name will be unique - "Anonymous Person - 1," "Anonymous Person - 2," etc.

How to anonymize a record

Simply head to a person record's Settings tab, then select the "Anonymize Record." You will be prompted to select that you are sure you'd like to anonymize the record.

Important items of note: 

  • You can only anonymize an individual's record, not a company record.

  • A record cannot be anonymized if it has an open balance. You must take care of the transaction(s) prior to anonymizing. The button to anonymize will be greyed out if this is the case.

  • Once again, this is NOT something that can be undone. Please use this feature only when absolutely necessary.

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