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Data Security
Jenn Norman, CAE avatar
Written by Jenn Norman, CAE
Updated over a week ago

Keeping Your Data Secure

Novi knows that members are the lifeblood of your organization - and your membership database is the tool that keeps that lifeblood flowing & engaged. Accordingly, the security of your membership data is extremely important to us. Our team is constantly staying up to date with the latest security recommendations and applying those to our technology and processes.

Secure Connections

We provide security certificates (SSL) as part of your Novi subscription to ensure all visitors to your website are connecting through encrypted and secure channels.

Cloud Technology

Our system is hosted in the "cloud" on some of the latest technology Microsoft has to offer. The team members at Microsoft are global leaders in this technology space, and by trusting them with our system Novi is helping to ensure the security of your data by "hiring" a global team of experts.

PCI Compliance

Novi connects with multiple payment providers for processing credit card payments, and all connections are fully PCI compliant. This means that while Novi facilitates the transaction, your member's credit card data is never even on our servers.

Annual Security Review

Novi voluntarily submits our systems to an annual security review organized by Intuit & QuickBooks. They spend several days attempting to find vulnerabilities in our systems and certifying that we meet their stringent standards for security of financial data.

Secure & Redundant Backups

You can rest easy knowing that all of your member data is backed up instantly and stored in a manner that is known as "globally redundant". If a natural disaster were to take out the server with your data on the east coast, our team will able to recover using another copy of your data stored elsewhere.

Protected Member Access

Your members will be able to access a private area of your website using their own secure login & encrypted password. Easily and securely share content with all of your members at once or lock it down to just a small subset (perfect for boards, committees, etc).

User Account Email Verification

To prevent bad actors creating fake accounts, Novi asks new user signups to confirm their email, and validates the account email against approved email domains in your database. If there is no match, the new user signup will be placed in a pending status in your Recent Signups for you to verify, and accept or deactivate.

Access Control

Your team has full control over which users have administrative access to your membership data, access which you can update or remove at any time.

Secure Employee Processes

From the time you start onboarding with us, the practices of our team of specialists are designed to keep your data secure. We communicate using secure cloud-based tools & our team is required to use multi-factor authentication when accessing your data in Novi AMS or QuickBooks.

Bot/Fraud Protections & Firewalls
Our team is constantly monitoring threats from bots & fraudulent actors. We have several measures in place to detect, limit, & block these users including an available web application firewall included with your Novi subscription.

Spam Prevention
We include multiple levels of spam protection with every Novi subscription. For emails sent to you or your members through Novi, guests must complete reCAPTCHA verification and each is monitored for possible spam keywords & bot abuse. If an email does slip through, you can block bad actors using Novi’s admin tools.

User Account Email Verification
To prevent bad actors creating fake accounts, Novi asks new user signups to confirm their email, and validates the account email against approved email domains in your database. If there is no match, the new user signup will be placed in a pending status in your Recent Signups for you to verify, and accept or deactivate.

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