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Novi <> Higher Logic Integration

How to set up your Higher Logic Integration, SSO, and get started pushing data via Novi Groups!

Jenn Norman, CAE avatar
Written by Jenn Norman, CAE
Updated over 2 months ago

Novi has an integration built for the Higher Logic Platform. Getting this integration set up between your Novi AMS website and Higher Logic should be an easy, pain-free process. Let's get started!

Please Note: Before completing any steps below, you’ll need to consult Higher Logic. Even if you're just considering using the platform, you'll want to loop them in ASAP so they can plan for your proposed launch date, and onboarding or migration.

Integration Setup

Follow the steps below to get your Novi site connected to Higher Logic:

1. Request API Info and Technical Worksheet from your Higher Logic Rep

  • Get the following information from your Higher Logic Rep:

    • API Key

    • Tenant Code

    • A copy of their Oauth Code Flow Offering And Technical Worksheet. You'll need this if you are doing single-sign-on which is recommended.

2. Add the API Key in Novi

  • In Novi, add the API Key and Tenant Code to Association Settings > Integrations section

3. Ask Higher Logic to activate properties (or confirm they're already on)

  • Ask for these three properties to be activated by your Higher Logic Rep:

    • MembershipIntegrateBio

    • IntegrateProfileImage

    • IntegrateSocialMediaSites

4. Confirm with your Higher Logic Rep to make sure the connection is on and working.

5. Set Up Your Single-Sign-On (SSO)

  • Most of our customers also choose to set up SSO meaning that your members can use one login for both websites. To set up SSO, which only takes a few minutes, follow the steps in this article.

  • Once complete, please send us a copy of the technical worksheet (requested above) for us to finish filling out. We will provide a copy back to you to send to your rep.

6. Update Custom Field Settings in Novi

  • After adding the API Key in Novi (#3 above), there will be an additional option in the settings of your custom fields to Sync to Higher Logic. Check this box on any fields that should be included in your Higher Logic API feed.

Items of note for custom fields:

  • This setting is only available when the field is set to show in the Members section (see image below).

  • If you have existing communities and/or security groups in Higher Logic:

    • Make sure you have the necessary field(s) set up for mapping your Novi records to the corresponding Higher Logic records. At a minimum, this will probably include a "Key" field.

    • Note that the field names do not need to match between Novi and your existing AMS/Higher Logic account because you will work with your Higher Logic Rep to manually map each field on their side.

Next Steps

Once your Higher Logic Rep gives you the go-ahead, follow the steps below to create and connect a Novi group.

Create & Connect a Group in Novi to Higher Logic

Important Notes:

  • One group in Novi creates one Community or Security Group in Higher Logic.

  • You cannot sync a new group in Novi to an existing Community or Security Group in Higher Logic.

  • You CAN change the group name + conditions in Novi or Higher Logic after the group has been created.

Steps to Connect:

1. Create a Group in Novi

  • Please note that only companies and people with user accounts will sync over to Higher Logic. People who do not have a user account will not be synced over, even if they're included in the Group list.

2. Sync the Group to Higher Logic

  • Once you confirm the correct member records are being included in the Group, go to the Details tab and toggle Sync to Higher Logic to ON.

  • Select the Group Type

    • Options: Community or Security Group

    • Note: Once you turn on the sync and save, the Group Type cannot be changed.

  • Once all of the group settings are dialed in, click the Save button (top right).

The Novi Group will now start syncing over to Higher Logic. Please note the following:

  • The first time you toggle the sync on, it can take an hour or more to fully sync over to Higher Logic because they run some checks on the incoming data. After this initial sync, Higher Logic will be updated every time a person, company, or group change occurs that affects the group being synced in near real-time.

  • Your Novi group name will sync over as the name of your Higher Logic community or security group. Great news! You can edit the name in Higher Logic and it will not break your sync.

  • This group will continue to sync to the community/security group even if the names are mismatched after the initial sync.

  • Deactivating a record in Novi will not remove the record from Higher Logic, but they would no longer be able to log in because they no longer have a user account in Novi.

3. Confirm the sync was successful

  • In Novi, confirm the sync is up to date by checking the Higher Logic Sync Status message on the group page.

  • In Higher Logic, to check the sync status go to Admin > Settings > Sync External Database

  • Check the number of contacts pending refresh. If it equals 0, the sync is complete.

If your group from Novi has finished syncing, congrats, you're ready to launch your online community!

>> Repeat these steps as needed to create additional Communities and/or Security Groups in Higher Logic.

Things to Keep in Mind

Group or Committee Syncing

You can sync data from a Novi Group or Committee. When creating the sync for the first time, you’ll select whether to sync to a Higher Logic Community or Security Group. Novi will create that community or security group, and this cannot be changed later. While you can rename the community or security group, the type (community or security group) cannot be altered. Our sync will always ensure it includes the correct members.

Member Records Only

To keep costs down for our customers, the sync only includes member records with user accounts. This means we sync specifically to Higher Logic’s online community, not its email marketing platform.

Limited Scope

The integration is designed to sync member data only, not events or blogs.

Straightforward Functionality

This connection is built to handle the basic goal of syncing members into a Higher Logic community. It doesn’t include additional advanced features. If you need something more custom, some of our customers have worked with third-party developers to build tailored integrations.

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