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Deep Dive: Merge Member Records that Inherit Their Parents' Addresses
Deep Dive: Merge Member Records that Inherit Their Parents' Addresses

Different scenarios you may come across when merging two records using their parent's addresses.

Melisa Smith avatar
Written by Melisa Smith
Updated over 8 months ago

When it comes to addresses, sometimes you'll want a record to simply use its parent's address as the billing and/or shipping address. Novi AMS gives you that option by allowing you to select "Use (parent company name) Address" on the member record. Quick and convenient.

If you should ever need to merge records that have this setting enabled, here are the scenarios you might encounter that you should be aware of when making your merging decisions: 

Merging Records that Share a Parent

  • If the records have the same parent and are using the parent address...

    The merged record will automatically take on the parent address. You do not need to select anything during the merge for this to occur. 

  • If the records have the same parent and one is using the parent address but one has a different address... 

    You will be given the choice to select the non-parent address during the merge. If you do not select it, the merged record will take on the parent address.

  • If the records have the same parent and one is using the parent address but one has no address...

    The main record you choose in the merge will determine what the merged record takes on. If you choose the record without the address it won't take to the merged record, but if you choose the record with the address it will.

Merging Records with Different Parents

  • If the records have different parents and both are using their parent address...

    You will be able to select the correct parent member during the merge process and the merged record will take on that parent address.

  • If the records have different parents and one is using the parent address but one has no address...

    The merged record will take on the address of the parent member if you choose the parent member connected to the record using the parent address.

    If you choose the parent member originally connected to the record with no address, but also choose the main record that was set to pull the parent address, the address of the new parent will be pulled.

    If you choose both the main record and the parent member originally with no address, no address will be pulled.

  • If the records have different parents and one is using the parent address/one has a different address... 

    When merging you will have the option to choose the non-company address. If you do not choose this address, the parent address will appear on the merged record.

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