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Showcasing Committees

Use committees to showcase committee members on a page, lock down a page, or create a directory.

Melisa Smith avatar
Written by Melisa Smith
Updated over a week ago

Once committees and terms are created, determine where and how to display committees on the frontend.

Public Roles: Display Committee Information on Your Website

To display a committee and its members on the frontend of your website, first visit the Public Roles tab. Here, you can choose to Make Committee Visible as a Public Role.

Once that toggle is turned on and the committee is saved, several settings will appear.

Contact Info Visibility

Under Contact Info Visibility, choose to display the committee members' contact info (including their phone and email) to the public, to logged-in members with benefits only, or never.

We recommend only showing contact info to logged-in members to guard committee members' data.

Public Roles & Website Display Order

Under Public Roles & Website Display Order, decide the order in which committee members should appear on the frontend.

Choosing "Arrange by role with members alphabetized within each role" will automatically arrange committee members based on their role. You can drag and drop the order the roles appear in, re-name what the roles will appear as on the frontend, and hide certain roles. You can also add sections to further categorize your committee.

Similarly, choosing "Arrange each member manually. (New members will always be added at the bottom)" arranges committee members by name. Admins can drag and drop to re-order the list, re-name what roles will appear as on the frontend, and hide certain individuals. You can also add sections to further categorize your committee.

To change each sections name or add a description for a committee, click Edit Name & Description under Actions on the far right.

A modal will open where the Section Name and Description can easily be changed. Be sure to Save & Close.

Showing A Committee On A Page

Once a committee is added as a public role and you've chosen your sort order, you can display it on any static page.

One way to do this is to visit your preferred page, make sure the admin Page Editor toggle is ON, then add the committee under the page's Display Settings in the Edit Static Page modal.

Once you've saved your settings, your committee members will appear on the page in a similar, pre-formatted fashion to leadership roles:

You'll also be able to see any pages the committee appears on back in the committee's Public Roles tab:

Locking Down Content to a Committee

Similar to locking down static pages, events/event tickets, ecommerce products, and more to Novi groups, you can do the same with committees.

This allows you to create content on pages and events (for example), that only your committee has access to.

Navigate to the item you'd like to restrict access to and look for the field labeled similar to "Only Visible to These Groups/Committees" (verbiage may vary depending on location)

Creating Directories Based on Committees

Directories in Novi can be used to showcase any segment of members you can create via groups or committees, a great way to dynamically showcase committees in a searchable and filterable way!

Several committee-related directory settings are:

  • Members To Include: This setting drives who appears in the directory results. If you ONLY want your results to include members of a specific committee, choose your committee here.

  • Visibility > Specific Groups/Committees: If you'd like to restrict directory access to a specific specific committee, lock the directory down here.

  • Filters: Committees can be used as filters as well. This is especially helpful if your directory includes a larger subset of records, and you want directory visitors to be able to filter down to see who is in specific directories.

  • Profile Pages: If you'd like directory profiles to include the committee involvement for specific directories, choose them here. The committee name and their role will be listed within their profile.

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