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Deep Dive: Membership Status Types in Novi AMS
Deep Dive: Membership Status Types in Novi AMS

A deep dive of membership statuses and scenarios relating to member benefits and member dependencies.

Melisa Smith avatar
Written by Melisa Smith
Updated over a month ago

At any given moment, each of your customer records will have its own membership status. You'll see this status in various places in the admin, which will allow for easier visibility and reporting.

Each record will fall into one of the memberships statuses listed in the filter below:

Which of your records and when they will have each status is highly dependent on your member types' member benefits and dependency settings. If any of your settings need to be updated you can do so in Members > Member Types

Other factors, like dues invoice payment status, do not automatically affect membership status.

Video - Membership Statuses In Novi:

What Are The Different Membership Statuses?


A dues-paying member whose expiration date is at some point in the future. They have current member benefits.

  • They have a member type, a membership since date in the past, and a membership expiration date in the future.


A previous dues paying member whose expiration date is at some point in the past. They have lapsed in membership if they are expired and have no member benefits. (If a member lapses in their second year of membership or later, doing a Non-Renew and Credit will result in them being expired.)

  • They have a member type, a membership since date in the past, and a membership expiration date in the past.

Grace Period

A previous dues paying member whose expiration date has passed, but is within the grace period of their member type. They will still have member benefits until the grace period has passed. 

  • They have a member type, a membership since date in the past, and a membership expiration date in the past.

NOTE: Grace periods only apply if the member type is not auto-renewing. Auto-renewals automatically move the expiration dates to the following year.


A potential new member you can add to the system for your internal tracking purposes. They must be placed within a member type, but they do not have member benefits nor do they count as a current member.

  • They have a member type and no membership since date or membership expiration date since they have never been a member.

NOTE: If your member type is a company member type, you cannot add a person as a prospect (and vice versa). You would need to add the company as the prospect and could then add any staff of the company as non-members underneath the company accordingly (and vice versa). Also note, if a member lapses in their first year of membership or later, doing a Non-Renew and Credit will result in them becoming a prospect.


A non-dues paying member that does not have its own member type and receives member benefits from a dues-paying member in their family tree (does not have to be a parent member), which is based on your member type settings. 

Though their status in the database is Inheriting, view record details will denote inheriting members by the phrase "membership via" (see screenshot below).

For example, If your members are companies and staff receive benefits, staff of Current member companies are Inheriting.

  • They have no member type, membership since date, or membership expiration date since they inherit member benefits from another record in their family tree.

  • The member type on the inheriting record should be set to "None Designated" because they do not have their own membership - some other record in their family tree pays dues and flows benefits to them.

NOTE: Being an inheriting record is separate from being dependent on a member. For example...

  • If you are a staff member who automatically receives member benefits from your parent company, you're inheriting.


A record in a Pending status comes about from two scenarios: 

Scenario 1: Awaiting membership approval by an admin (in Recent Signups) 

Scenario 2: Record has its own membership, but is pending from the non-current status of a dependent member from another member type. 

  • For example, Member Type 1 is dependent on Member Type 2. If a dues-paying member in Member Type 1 has a current membership of their own, but they do not have a current member in Member Type 2 in their family tree, they will be Pending instead of Current. They will NOT have member benefits at that point.

NOTE: If a record missing a qualified dependent member does not have their own current membership, they will not be Pending until they first have their own current status. They will be labeled as their own appropriate membership status. In the screenshot below, the member is expired AND missing a qualified dependent member. They will not show as Pending until they are no longer expired.


A non-member is a non-dues paying record that does not have a member type of its own and is not inheriting membership from another record.

Non-Members are assigned "Non-dues paying member" in the member type drop-down since they by definition do not pay dues. "Non-dues paying member" is essentially the same as saying "This record is not a dues-paying member."

  • If a staff member's company becomes expired and they were inheriting benefits from that company, the staff person is now a non-member. 

  • If someone's company is sitting as Pending in recent signups, the person is a non-member until an admin approves the company's membership.

  • If an individual member gives member benefits to its company and the individual member expires, the company is now a non-member.

NOTE: Active non-member records will not have an original join date, member since date, or member expiration date. Deactivated (Inactive) records may have these dates - if you re-activate the record, their original member status will come back.

Where You'll See & Use These Statuses

These member statuses are very useful when searching for information on a certain segment of your database. They will come into play in the following areas:

Member List Stage

Your member list stage will list the number of: current members in each member type (large number), expired members, prospects and grace period members. Note: Pending members are not included in these "snapshot" totals.

Member List Filter

Easily filter your member list to find exactly whom you're looking for.

Member List View

You can add or remove member status as a column on the member list, allowing you to easily see and export this information.

Member Records

As you saw in the member status examples above, you'll also see these statuses on the member record details.

Event Attendee List

Just like you can have the member status on your member list, you can also add or remove member status as a column on the event attendee list, allowing you to easily see and export this information.

Event Admin Registration

You will see these statuses when registering event attendees from the backend. This is to help you easily determine which ticket applies to which members. This will apply when you're choosing a purchases and all attendees.

NOTE: Frontend registrants do not see this information

Report Conditions and Columns

Simply use the Membership Status condition to select who should be a part of your report. It can also be selected as a column, so that you can see the values in your report results.

Groups Conditions

Use membership status as a condition in your groups a well. 

NOTE: Pending and Inheriting are not options in groups. Pulling Inheriting members can be accomplished through Group Beneficiaries settings or the "Has Membership Benefits" condition.

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