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Report & Group Condition Builder Cheat Sheet
Report & Group Condition Builder Cheat Sheet

Learn a few tips & tricks on setting up conditions for your custom reports and groups.

Pete Zimek, CAE avatar
Written by Pete Zimek, CAE
Updated this week

When it comes to reports and groups, it's rare that two organizations are exactly alike. That said, there are a few tips and tricks that everyone could use!

In this article:

Tips & Tricks

Conditions may look similar, but they each serve a different purpose.

Pay close attention to the conditions you are pulling in your reports.

  • For example, you might want to pull a condition for the Member Type Name (which is Member Type (Designated) > Name), but instead, you pull the condition of the record name (General Info > Name). Of course, these may look similar, but they are very different, so be sure to double-check what conditions you are pulling.

Search by keyword instead of scrolling through all options.

Keep in mind that you can type in keywords to search for conditions when creating reports. You don't have to scroll through the hundreds of conditions to find what you need. Once you start typing, the list will start filtering.

Commonly Used Conditions in Groups and Custom Reports

Membership Status:ย 

  • In Reports, use the General Info > Membership Status condition to pull any of the following: Current, Expired, Prospect, Non-Member, Inheriting, Pending, Grace Period.

If you're NOT using the Membership Status condition, use this in Custom Reports:

  • Active in QuickBooks Online = Yes - Use to remove any records marked as "deleted" from your reports

Only people:

  • Is a Person = Yes

Only companies:

  • Is a Company = Yes

Members in a certain member type:

  • Member Type (Designated) > Name

Groups Based on Subscriptions

If you're creating groups based on those who have purchased a subscription, you'll want the condition to be:ย 

Subscription Expiration - Days Ago = Less Than = 0

This will ensure that you only get those who have subscribed and not the rest of the membership.

Keep in mind for regular products, the condition is just "has purchased" or "has not purchased."

AND vs OR Conditions

The easiest way to think about AND vs OR is to ask this question: Which group is larger?

  • The people who live in California AND Florida

  • The people who live in California OR Florida

At first glance, you may have said there are more people who live in California AND Florida. But think about many people live in both places? Probably not that many. How many people live in either California OR Florida? Tens of millions of people.

Members in a Certain State in Groups and Custom Reports

To find records that have a shipping address in a specific state, you'll want to create a condition group with the conditions below. Make sure to set it to OR. This will account for records that meet either condition.

People Who Work for Member Companies (in either Groups or Custom Reports)

1. To pull a list of people who work for a member company, you will want to use parent conditions to identify the fact that you're looking for children records where the parent record meets certain conditions (see #1 below).

2. You might also want to add conditions for the children (see #2 below).

3. Finally, you can pull only people by setting the condition of Is A Person > Yes

Setting Conditions for Drop-Down Values in Groups and Custom Reports

If your goal is to find records that have a particular value from a custom field drop-down menu (set of options), you'll want to use the "contains" condition instead of "equals."

Parent Custom Fields in Groups and Custom Reports

Custom field values from a parent's record can be used as conditions in groups and as conditions and/or display columns in custom membership reports.


Column to Display:

To add a field like this to your report conditions and/or display columns, click in the field and start typing "parent custom field" - this will filter the drop-down options so you can easily find the field you need.


  • Display Column: Pull a list of people or sub-companies and include a custom field value from the parent's record in the report (e.g. Unit Count or NAA ID).

  • Report Condition: Pull a list of people or sub-companies based on a condition for the parent's custom field value (e.g. Annual Income or Region).

Include Association Admins in Groups

When segmenting members using groups, occasionally Association Admins should be included in the group as well. There's a condition for that!

In the example above, the group includes Current or Inheriting members as well as Association Admins (another option is to include Limited Association Admins).

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