When it's time to send dues invoices from Novi to your members, you have a few options:
Trying to decide whether to send a Smart Renewal Notice or a Quickbooks Invoice? Here are our tips!
Email a Single Invoice
On the member record
Locate the member's record in Novi. On the Transactions tab, find the invoice to be sent. In the Action column, click the downward arrow and select Send.
From the Accounting > Transactions Section
From the Novi admin, click on the Accounting tab and select Transactions.
Search for the invoice number or search by the name on the invoice.
In the Action column of the invoice, click the dropdown arrow and select Send.
This will bring up a pop-up modal to add any additional emails addresses. Some invoices do not allow for the subject and body of the email to be edited as determined by the QuickBooks API integration.
Bulk Email Multiple Members
To email multiple dues invoices for multiple members at once navigation to the Accounting > Transactions screen.
Use the Filter button to select the type of Dues Invoices (All, New, or Renewal).
Select Open or Overdue status (Open includes Overdue invoices by default).
Enter additional filters as needed.
In addition to the filter options, click the List View gear icon above the Action column on the far right and check the box under Transaction Details to display the Last Sent Date column on the screen. This column displays when the invoice was last emailed (including both Smart Renewal and QuickBooks emails).
Note that transactions sent prior to the Last Sent date feature may show an "Unknown" last sent date.
On the left-hand side, select the invoices to be sent. Select all invoices in the list view by clicking the white box on the top-left.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The system will select the number of transactions shown ONLY on the page. When batch selecting, if more transactions are available than are visible on the page, a message will appear with the option to select all the transactions that match the filter:
Once multiple invoices have been selected, click the Batch Action button and then select Email Transactions.
Non-Renewed Invoices: If an invoice with a Non-Renew status is selected as part of a Batch Action to Email Transactions, a modal will open asking confirmation to email the non-renewed invoices.
Status Messages: During the batch send, a status message displays regarding how many messages have been sent and a separate message displays once the sending has completed.
Before selecting additional transactions to send, it's important to wait until the status message indicates completion, then click the link to refresh the transactions list before proceeding.
Sending Transaction Emails Status:
Sending Email # of #
Sending of Transaction Emails Complete:
Please click here to refresh the transactions list.
Which email address is sent the invoice? This will immediately send out the selected invoices to the Billing Contact on the record's email. If no Billing Contact is supplied, it will send to the email address listed on the record. If no main email is supplied, it will go to the Primary Contact's email.ย
If no email is available, admins receive notice of the emails that couldn't be sent.
Related Articles:
Trying to decide whether to send a Smart Renewal Notice or a Quickbooks Invoice? Here are our tips!