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Send a Census to Verify Profile Details or Staff Rosters
Send a Census to Verify Profile Details or Staff Rosters

Learn how the Census feature in Novi AMS helps ensure accurate member data with minimal effort.

Melanie Dupont avatar
Written by Melanie Dupont
Updated over 2 weeks ago

The Census tool is designed to help admins keep member data accurate and up-to-date. It provides an easy way for members to quickly review and update the most important fields selected by the admin, ensuring streamlined responses and efficient data management.

Prefer to watch a video? Watch our Census demo.

Sections in this article:

What is a Census?

Our Census tool streamlines the process of keeping your members’ profile information accurate and up-to-date. Think of each Census as a one-time project with a due date. You can create multiple Census requests as needed, whether it’s for periodic updates (e.g., once per year) or for different groups of recipients.

Admins can use the Census tool to prompt selected members to review and update their personal or company details. You also have the option to require admin approval for certain changes before they take effect.

For trade associations or organizations managing company records, the Census feature allows company managers to efficiently review and update staff rosters.

With automated reminders and detailed tracking of responses, the Census tool helps maintain data accuracy with minimal admin effort.

Types of Census Requests

When creating a Census, you’ll first decide whether it will apply to people or companies.

  • People: Select this option if you want individuals to review and update their personal profile information.

  • Companies: Choose this option to ask individuals with management access to their company to either:

    1. Review and edit the company’s profile information, or

    2. Update the company’s staff roster.

In the Census settings, you’ll have the flexibility to specify exactly which people or companies will receive the request.

Note: You can have multiple different censuses in progress if desired.

How Census Works

The Census feature lets admins gather updated member data efficiently. Once sent by an admin, here's what members can expect when they receive a Census request:

How Members Respond

Members will receive an email with a personalized link to their Census. They will not need to log in unless the admin has turned on the Require Login setting. The email will include a button to Get Started.

Once members click the button, they'll be taken to a dedicated Census page where they can either update their information or confirm that no changes are needed.

Bonus! Even if members lose track of the email request, they will still see an alert in their Member Compass if they ever have an open Census.

What Members See on the Census Page

  1. On the Census page, members will review each field the admin has included in the request.

  2. They can update their information or indicate that no changes are needed.

  3. After submitting their responses, members will see a confirmation page (i.e. a "success" or "thank you" message).

Setting Up a Census

Admins have full control over how the Census is created and distributed. Here’s how the setup works:

1. Creating a Census

To create a new Census:

  • Navigate to the admin side of your site > Members tab > Census sub-tab.

  • On the Census page, click the Create Census button (top right), which will open a modal - then continue to step 2...

2. Naming and Recipient Selection

After clicking the Create Census button, complete the following required fields in the pop-up modal:

  • Add Name of Census, which will be displayed on the backend and frontend.

  • Select the Request Type to determine whether it will be sent to people or companies.

    • People: Select this option if you want individuals to review and update their personal profile information.

    • Companies: Choose this option to ask individuals with management access to their company to either:

      1. Edit the company’s profile information, or

      2. Update the company’s staff roster.

Note: For companies, each Census will be one or the other - profile fields or staff roster. To have members review both, you will need to send more than one Census.

After clicking the Save & Edit Details button, the Census will be created in Draft mode and you will land on the Settings tab of the Census, where these settings can be reviewed and updated:

  • Add a description that will be visible to users.

  • Choose recipients from groups, committees, and/or individual records.

    • Tip: Before sending your Census to a larger audience, consider testing it with a small group of staff to ensure everything looks and functions as expected.

  • Determine if login will be required for users to respond to the Census.

  • If sending to companies, determine if the census type will be a Fields Census or a Staff Roster. (The Census Type section only shows if the Record Type is Companies.)

There's more information on each of these settings below, but first, let's look at an example:

Census: Settings Tab

Name of Census

  • Once a Census is created, the name can be edited on the Settings tab.


  • This is an optional field where admins can add additional information, like a description or instructions, that will be visible to the census recipients.

Require Login

  • For added security, enable the "Require Login" setting by toggling it ON. This ensures that recipients must log in to view and respond to the Census. When enabled, recipients won’t see the current field values until they are logged in.

  • If turned on: After clicking their unique link in the Census Request Email, the member will be prompted to login (if not already).

  • If not turned on: Anyone with access to the link can complete the Census, whether they are logged in or not.

  • Best Practice: In most cases, the "Require Login" setting can remain off, as accessing the Census already requires a unique link sent to the recipient’s email or access to their Member Compass. This provides an initial layer of security. Enable this setting only if additional security is needed, such as when sensitive information is included in the Census.

Note: If the Census is set to Companies (Record Type) and Staff Roster (Census Type), the "Require Login" setting must be enabled. This ensures added security, as the staff roster contains sensitive information, including personal details for all staff members within a company.

Record Type

  • This setting determines if the Census will be sent to people or companies, and each Census will only be sent to the contacts of the selected type.

    • People: Select this option if you want individuals to review and update their personal profile information.

    • Companies: Choose this option to ask individuals with management access to their company to either:

      1. Edit the company’s profile information, or

      2. Update the company’s staff roster.

When Companies is selected:

  • People with management access will receive the Census, but only one of them (whoever is first!) will be able to submit a response.

  • Each Census will have a Census Type of profile fields OR staff roster (more on this below). To have members review both, you will need to send more than one Census.

Census Type

  • A Census for companies can take one of two forms: Fields or Staff Roster

    • Fields: Collect updated information on the selected member fields and custom fields included in the Census.

    • Staff Roster: Allow company managers to review their staff roster and make updates, such as adding or removing team members.

Census Recipients

  • This section is where admins select the groups, committees, or individuals who will receive this specific Census. At least one recipient must be added, but you can also add multiple to build a larger combination of recipients.

  • Columns:

    • The "Type" column indicates the source of the recipients (groups, committees, or individual records).

    • The "Count" column indicates how many recipients are included in that segment. However, this does not necessarily mean every single record in the segment will actually receive the Census request email (more on this below, under Items of Note).

    • The "Action" column displays Remove and Add buttons where applicable. The Remove option is available only while the Census is in Draft mode. Once the Census is sent, the segment(s) in this list become permanently set.

  • Items of Note:

    • When the Record Type setting on the Census is set to People:

      • Even if a Group or Committee added to the Recipients list includes companies, the Census will only be sent to the individuals within those segments.

    • When the Record Type setting on the Census is set to Companies:

      • The system will identify any company records within the Group(s), Committee(s), or Record(s) added to the Recipients list, and the Census will be sent to the people with management access to those companies. (The people do not need to be included in the Group/Committee.)

      • You can choose whether to send to any combination of managers, including: Primary Contacts, Billing Contacts, those with Management Access, or all of the above.

    • When using Groups and Committees to build the Census recipient list:

      • The Census will be sent once to the records in the group at the time of sending. The initial Census Request Email will not be sent automatically to new records added later.

      • However, if a record is added to the Group/Committee before the Due Date Reminder is sent, they will still receive the reminder email. For them, this will be their first notification about the Census.

      • Note that the Census remains tied to the Group/Committee’s ID once sent—so if an admin later changes the group’s criteria, this can impact who receives the reminder email.

    • The Census Recipients list cannot be changed after sending—this means you cannot add or remove specific records, groups, or committees once the Census is active. However, you can modify the fields included in the Census.

Save & Continue Later

If you're not ready to send the Census to recipients yet, click the Save button at the top-right corner of the page. This keeps the Census in draft mode so you can return and complete it when you're ready.

3. Choosing Census Fields

One of the most powerful features of the Census is the ability for admins to select specific fields they want members to review and update.

Add Fields to the Census

  • Click in the "Select a Field" drop-down to select from member fields and custom fields for recipients to review and update. Tip: Start typing the field name to quickly filter the list. Once you've found the desired field, select it and click Add on the right.

Items of Note:

  • When setting up the Census, only fields that are visible on the frontend will be shown in the "Select a Field" drop-down.

  • If a field is hidden on the frontend and/or is restricted to certain member type(s) or record type(s), but is also included in the Census, the system will follow the field settings.

  • A Note on Locked Down Fields: If a custom field (like Unit Count or Annual Sales) has the “users cannot change after initial value” setting turned on... If this field is included in the Census it will be editable within the Census only, whether or not there is already a value in the field. It will still be locked down in their Member Compass profile, and this works automatically, without needing to edit the field’s settings.

  • If a member clicks their Census link and doesn't have any fields visible they will see a “No Visible Fields” message.

  • Please Note: Once the Census is sent, you can still add or remove fields, but it will only affect the recipients who haven't submitted their responses yet.

Field Requirement Settings

  • Admins can check boxes within the list of fields to decide:

    • If answers are required for any fields: Answer Required

    • If updates to any fields require admin approval before being accepted: Requires Approval

  • If Requires Approval is:

    • Unchecked/Off, any changes the member makes to fields in their Census submission will automatically be updated on their member record.

    • Checked/On, an admin will need to go through the submissions later and approve the updates before the member's record information will be updated. More on this below.

  • Note that Staff Roster Census requests for companies do not have an admin review option. Changes made to staff rosters are made in real-time as the user completes the census.

  • Best Practice: Consider requiring admin approval for fields that impact dues calculations or require verification, such as Unit Count and Credentials. However, avoid making all fields require approval—reviewing every update, like phone number changes, may not be necessary.

  • Tip: If any fields require approval, set a reminder for an admin to review and approve the submissions once the Census is closed (or periodically throughout the time the Census is open).

Example of Census Fields with Requirement Settings:

Organizing Census Fields

  • Display Order: Drag and drop the fields within the list to change the order.

  • Sections: Optionally add Sections to group related fields together, and include a description of the section if it would be helpful for users.

    • In the screenshot above, there is a link at the top right to "Add New Section" which will open a modal like the screenshot below.

    • Existing sections can then be edited by clicking the "Edit Name & Description" link, or deleted by clicking the "Delete" link, on the right side of the field list.

📌 Novi Tip: If you create a new custom field, consider sending a Census to request members to fill it out. This ensures your data stays complete and up-to-date while making it easy for members to provide the information in a structured way.

4. Setting Deadlines and Reminders

  • Admins must set a Due Date for responses. The system will automatically close the Census on the selected date and will not allow any further responses.

  • Admins can also optionally set a Due Date Reminder to be sent automatically if a member hasn’t responded by a certain date.

Items of Note:

  • The reminder is only sent to recipients who have not yet responded. Admins cannot select specific recipients for reminders—these are automatically sent to all non-responders.

  • The reminder date can be changed by an admin after the initial reminder is sent, but there is only one field for this.

5. Customizing Email and Confirmation Messages

Admins can customize the Census Request Email as well as the Confirmation Information message that appears once a member submits their response, or simply use the default verbiage that's already included.

  • A link to complete the Census will automatically be included in the Census Request Email.

  • Merge field [[DueDate]] is available (as shown in the screenshot below), which will automatically fill in the date indicated in the Due Date field.

  • The Confirmation Information message appears on the success page after a user submits their Census response. If any fields require admin approval, consider including a note such as, "We will review your responses and update your profile shortly."

6. Sending and Tracking

Once everything above is set, admins can choose to either save the Census for later or send it immediately.

  • Clicking the Save & Send button starts the Census, and this button will no longer be available once the Census is sent. All applicable recipients will receive the Census Request Email at this time. (This button is labeled as "A" in the screenshot below.)

  • If you're still setting up and not ready to send it, click the Save button to keep the Census in draft mode. (This button is labeled as "B" in the screenshot below.)

Before sending the Census, please note: If any Groups or Committees were added as recipients, keep the following in mind:

  • If the selected group or committee is still calculating/populating when the admin tries to send the Census, the system will display a message prompting them to try again once the process is complete.

  • When a group or committee is first added to the recipient list in the Census settings, the system will generate and display a list of the specific recipients at that moment. However, because groups are dynamic (based on conditions set outside the Census), this list does not visually update as group membership changes.

  • If the Census remains saved as a draft for a period of time, the system will automatically retrieve the most up-to-date recipient list when the Census is finally sent. This ensures the Census reaches the right people, even if group/committee membership has changed.

  • If admins want to visually confirm the updated recipient list before sending, they can click the “Sync All Members” button at the top right of the Census (this button is labeled as "C" in the screenshot above). This updates the displayed list to reflect the most current group/committee membership. However, this step is optional—the system will always send to the updated group regardless.

After sending the Census:

  • The status of the Census will change from "Draft" to "Active"

  • Recipients' status will update from "Not Sent" to "Not Complete"

  • The "Not Sent" queue at the top of the page may still show a number greater than zero, but this could be due to different factors, such as records that do not have email addresses. Try refreshing the page to see if the totals change. Eventually it should update to show a new additional number for "Not Complete" which are the recipients who received the email but haven't completed the Census yet.

  • Admins can easily track progress by monitoring who has responded and who hasn’t on the "Members" tab of the Census. More on this below.

  • If a Group or Committee was used to select recipients, admins should note:

    • If new records are added to the Group/Committee after the Census is sent, they will not receive the initial email but will receive the reminder email.

    • If any records are removed from the Group/Committee before the reminder email is sent, they will not receive the reminder—even if they originally received the initial Census email.

Collecting Census Responses

The Census responses can be collected without requiring members to log in, though login can be required for added security. There are two main ways members will interact with the Census:

Via Email

Members receive a Census Request Email, which can be customized by the admin with a subject and body. More on this above.

This email contains:

  • any custom verbiage you add

  • the due date

  • a unique link to review and update their data

Example email:

Via Individual Request Page

Clicking the link in the email directs members to the online Census page. This page displays the fields the admin has included for review and gives members the option to submit changes or confirm that no updates are needed. (If login should be required to complete the Census, learn more here.)

What's displayed in the Census form?

  • Census Name

  • Census Description (if there is one)

  • Member's Name

  • Census Due Date

  • Fields for Review/Edit, and Sections/Descriptions (when applicable)

  • Button to Submit

Example Census Form:

Submitting the Census

  • When they first get to the Census page and haven't made any edits yet, the button at the bottom of the page will be "No changes, I'm Done"

  • Then if they make any changes, the button will change to "Save"

Member Compass Alert

  • Any time a member has a pending Census that needs to be reviewed, they will see an alert at the top of their Member Compass Dashboard, with a Get Started button. They will also have a Census tab on the left where they can view and begin any open Census requests. Once all are complete, the alert and tab will no longer be displayed.

Viewing and Managing Existing Census Requests

The Main Census Page

  • Past, present, and future Census requests are listed on the main Census page. To access this page, navigate to the admin side of your site > Members tab > Census sub-tab.

  • The list includes the following for each Census: name, response count, date sent, status, due date, and additional columns are available under the gear icon at the top right of the list.

  • To edit an existing Census, click the Edit link in the far right Action column.

  • To archive a Census, click the drop-down in the Action column, then click the Archive link. You can also archive one or more by checking the boxes on the left and then using the Batch Action button.

  • Use the Search field and Filter to narrow down the list by Census Name, Census Status, Sent Date From, and Sent Date To.

View & Edit Existing Census Requests

To edit an existing Census:

  • Navigate to the admin side of your site > Members tab > Census sub-tab.

  • On the Census page, click the Edit link in the far right Action column, or click on the name of the Census.

  • Within the Census there will be two tabs:

    • Members Tab: This is where admins can view Census responses and approve updated values when applicable. More details below.

    • Settings Tab: Adjust any of the original settings on this tab. More details above. One exception is if the Census has already been sent - then you will not be able to edit the Census Recipients.

Reviewing & Approving Census Responses

For field-based Census requests, admins can review and approve member responses from the Members tab in the specific Census on the backend.

  • Note that Staff Roster census requests for companies do not have an admin review option. Changes made to staff rosters are made in real-time as the user completes the census.

Example of the Members Tab of an Active Census:

Census: Members Tab

This tab within the Census is where the list of recipients can be viewed and managed by admins. (See screenshot above for an example.)

Staging Area

The following will be visible at the top of the Census (when applicable):

  • Totals:

    • Not Complete - # of requests that have been sent, but they have not responded yet

    • Not Sent - # of requests the system was unable to send

    • Needs Review - # of requests that have been sent, and they've already responded, and an admin needs to review/approve them (more on the approval process below)

    • Total Complete - # of requests that have been sent, and they've already responded, and an admin has already reviewed/approved them (if required) or they were auto-approved

  • Census Status:

    • Draft - not sent yet

    • Active - sent and the Due Date has not passed yet

    • Closed - sent and the Due Date has passed

    • Archived - archived by an admin

List View

  • Determine which columns are visible by adjusting them under the List View gear icon at the top right of the list. If any of the Census Fields are displayed, it will show the new values submitted via the Census for a quick view.

  • The Action column on the far right will only have options available after the user has submitted their Census and has a status of Completed.

    • View - click to view a specific member's response; this is also where admins can approve fields that are set to require approval

    • Approve All Fields - click to approve all fields for this specific member, without needing to go into the member's details page

    • Archive - if a member is archived before the Census is sent, they will not receive the email request or have a Census alert in their Member Compass

  • Export the list to Excel by clicking the icon at the top right of the list.

Batch Actions

  • Select one or more records by checking the boxes on the left side of the list. Then use the Batch Action button to do one of the following:

    • Approve All Fields - click to approve all fields for all selected members, without needing to go into the full details page for each member

    • Archive - click to archive the selected members

Search & Filter

  • Admins can use the Search field to search by Name.

  • Or use the Filter drop-down to filter the list by any of the following:

    • Member(s) - specific records

    • Member Type(s) - specific member types

    • Submitted From - date range for when members submitted their responses

    • Submitted To - date range for when members submitted their responses

    • Status(es) - the member's status for this Census (Not Sent, Not Complete, Needs Review, Completed, and Archived)

Approving/Accepting Field Values

When admin approval is required for a field in a Census, the field will not be updated on the member's record until accepted by an admin. Even if the value remains the same when the member submits their Census response, there will still be an "Accept" action for the admin.

Approval can be done from a few different areas:

  1. Directly from the Members tab of the Census (as described above):

    1. In the Action column, under the carat drop-down.

    2. Or by using the Batch Action option.

  2. Or the admin can click the View link in the Action column to open the Census Detail Page for a specific member. On this page, they can view the list of fields for that specific member and accept the changes there (see screenshot below).

Example of a Census Detail Page for a Specific Member's Response:

Items of Note:

  • The value in the "Original Value" column is the value on their record right now, at the moment the admin is viewing this page. This may or may not be the same as the value back when the Census was sent.

  • The value in the "New Value" column is the value the member submitted on their Census response.

Tips for Reviewing & Approving:

  • If you only want to see the fields that require review and approval, check the "Show only Fields that Need Review" box at the top of the list.

  • If all of the new values are acceptable, admins can click the green "Accept All & Next" button once (top right), instead of clicking the "Accept" button next to each field.

  • If a new value is not acceptable, click the "Edit" button on the right, which will allow the admin to change or remove the value.

  • Clicking on the member's name at the top of the page will open their record. (Tip: Hold the CTRL key while clicking to open their record in a separate tab.)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Where does the “Description” field appear for recipients—email or on the page?

  • It appears on the page. There is a separate field for email body content in the settings.

If a member's email address has changed, how will they receive the Census request?

  • When they log in to your website, they’ll be prompted to complete any open Census requests in their Member Compass.

Can members forward the Census email to someone else to complete?

  • If login isn’t required (this is the default setting), the Census link can be forwarded to someone else at the company to complete.

Can the Census be used for people who don’t have user accounts?

  • Yes! You can also encourage them to create a user account by adding a message in the Confirmation Information field (which displays on-screen after they submit the Census). Example: “Log in to access event registration and more!”

Can the “Do Not Send Marketing Emails” system field be used in a Census?

  • If you are looking to include or exclude those users, you can segment based on that field before sending the Census.

Is it possible to use the Census to request information from non-members?

  • Yes! However, they must have a record in the system.

Can I change the list of Census recipients after sending?

  • No, once the Census is sent, the recipient list is locked. You cannot manually add or remove individuals, groups, or committees.

  • However, if you included a Group/Committee, the system will still recognize changes to that Group when sending the reminder email.

What happens if I add someone to a Group or Committee after sending the Census?

  • They will not receive the initial Census email, but if they are added before the reminder is sent, they will receive that reminder email (even though it will be their first time hearing about the Census).

What happens if I remove someone from a Group or Committee after sending the Census?

  • If they were part of the original recipient list, they would have received the initial email. However, if they are removed from the Group/Committee before the reminder is sent, they will not receive the reminder email.

Are any custom fields unavailable for use in a Census?

  • Internal-use-only fields are not available.

  • Number fields with the Show Summation Checkbox / Sum of Children’s Values setting will be grayed out for frontend users.

  • File Upload fields are not currently available.

  • Headshot/Logo fields are not currently available.

Can the Staff Census allow recipients to update management access, billing contacts, and primary contacts?

  • Currently, members with Management Access can grant others the same access. However, changes to Primary or Billing Contacts still require contacting your team.

Who receives the Staff Roster Census?

  • People associated with companies who are a Primary Contact, Billing Contact, or have Management Access. You’ll be able to configure this.

Can you create a Census for sub-companies, allowing contacts to add or remove them?

  • Currently, the Census is for staff rosters only. Even in the Member Compass, members must contact you to add or remove sub-companies.

Are there any notifications when a user receives, views, or fills out a Census? Will there be an activity on the timeline?

  • Not yet. Initial feedback suggested that notifications might be overwhelming. However, an activity timeline is a possibility. We’d love feedback on what information you’d like tracked and how you’d use it!

What happens if a member doesn’t complete the Census?

  • Members will continue to see the Census notification in their Member Compass until it’s completed or the Census closes. You can also schedule automated reminders to be sent at a later date.

If a Census has no required fields, does an admin need to take any action?

  • No action is required. However, we recommend archiving the Census once the due date has passed and you’re done with it.

Can you view or review an archived Census?

  • Yes! Just use the filter options to find archived Census requests.

Can you extend an existing Census to capture non-respondents?

  • Yes! You can update the Due Date to extend it or close it early as needed.

What does the initial Census Request Email look like?

  • This is an example of the Census Request Email, which includes your custom messaging, the due date, and a unique link to access the Census online:

What does the Reminder Email look like?

  • Below is an example of the reminder email for the same Census and recipient shown in the previous screenshot. Unlike the original request, the reminder email is more concise—it does not include the custom verbiage from the initial email. Instead, it contains a brief message referencing the Census name, the due date, and the recipient’s unique link.

What happens if a member clicks the Census link in their email after they’ve already responded?

  • They will see the message: Request Complete - If you would like to update your fields please visit your profile or the companies section of the Member Compass.

What do members see if they click the link from their email, but the Census is already closed?

  • They will see the message: Census is past the Due Date

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