User accounts can be created for any person record to allow them to login to the site.
Create New User Account
If the person does not have a record yet, you can add them to the system and create their user account at the same time by following the steps in this article: Create a New Company or Person
If the person already has a record, follow these steps to create their user account:
Go to the person's record on the backend.
Click on the Settings tab.
In the Account Details section, make sure that an email address is visible. Note: Novi will pull the email listed on the Details tab as a default, but this email does not have to match)
Click the Create User button.
An email will be sent to the user asking him or her to log in to reset their password. Note: This email link will have a 24-hour expiration window, but don't worry, if the member doesn't complete the process in time you can always send them another link.
Password Reset Details Message
When a new user account is created, an email will be sent to the user so they can create a password.
A message (see screenshot below) will appear on the Settings tab for 16 hours, even after the profile or tab is closed, so staff are aware that the email was sent.
"Account successfully created and reset password email sent."
If a person requests assistance to reset their password at any time, you can remind them of the Reset Password link at their login screen.
Or from the member's Settings >> Account Details, click the Send Password Reset button to send a reset link direct to their inbox. An email will be sent to the user asking him or her to log in to reset their password. Note: This email link will have a 24-hour expiration window, but don't worry, if the member doesn't complete the process in time they will come to a page letting them know the link is expired prompting them to request another password reset. And when needed, you can always send them another link.
For help troubleshooting errors, check out the Common User Account Creation Errors article.