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Create a New Company or Person

Create a new customer/member record in the Novi admin (i.e. backend).

Melisa Smith avatar
Written by Melisa Smith
Updated over 2 months ago

You have a few options when it comes to adding records to your Novi database:

  1. Add a new dues-paying member (company or individual)

  2. Add a new prospective member (company or individual)

  3. Add a new non-member (company or individual who inherits benefits from a member in good standing or has no membership)

As well as some notes to remember about the following scenarios:

Add A New Dues Paying Member

To get started:

  • Go to the backend and click on the Add Company button, or click on the arrow right next to it and choose Add Person, if relevant to your association.

The "Create Membership" modal will appear...

  • Create the member record by entering the name and as much relevant information as is needed, including the appropriate Designated Member Type.

  • Then click the Save & Create Membership button at the bottom of the modal to proceed to the "checkout" screen. 

The next screen in the modal will show the information below - update as needed:

  1. Membership Summary - View the member type dues rules, both required and optional. Note, you can delete optional dues rules or add-ons by simply clicking the trash symbol next to the price.

  2. Member Since and Member Expiration Dates - Novi will automatically create these for you, but they're also customizable should you need to manually edit them.

  3. Auto-Renew - Novi will automatically set membership to auto-renew. Simply uncheck the box if it's not the right choice for this member.

  4. Charge for Dues - Choose to charge dues by credit card or invoice as soon as you create the record. If you've already charged the member or do not wish to charge the member, simply toggle the selection to OFF.

    • Auto-Approve (not pictured; dependent on if member type is set to need approval) - If the member type requires approval before receiving benefits, you will have the option to auto-approve this new member or not. If the member is not auto-approved, they will appear as a pending member in Recent Signups. If the member type does not require approval (on the Settings tab), the Auto-Approve option will not be displayed.

  5. Send Welcome Email - If the member type has a welcome email enabled, you can choose to send it to this new member or not. If the member type does not have a welcome email enabled, the option will not be displayed. If the member does not have an email address, the toggle will be greyed out.

    • NOTE: If Auto-Approve is toggled off, the Send Welcome Email option will no longer be available. This is because the membership has not been approved yet. The welcome email will be triggered when the record is approved (either from the Recent Signups list or directly on the record).

  6. Multiple Save Options - Choose between Save & Close, Save & Send (email the invoice), or Save & Print.

Add A New Prospect

A Prospect in Novi is any record that has the potential to become a dues-paying member. Examples include a company that may later become a member but needs to be tracked in the system or a previous member who may come back and re-join.

Adding a prospective member starts the same way as adding a new member above. To get started:

  • Go to the backend and click on the Add Company button, or click on the arrow right next to it and choose Add Person, if relevant to your association.

  • Enter the name and as much relevant information as possible, including the appropriate Designated Member Type.

  • Click the Save as Prospect button.

Your prospect record has now been created. To convert that record to a dues-paying member, go to the record's Details tab and click the Convert Prospect to Member button (see screenshot below). This will immediately give you the "Create Membership" modal described previously so that you can finalize the membership and choose whether or not to charge for dues.

Note: A prospect does not have a Member Since or Member Expiration date.

Add A New Non-Member

A record with a Designated Member Type of "None Designated" is any company or individual who inherits benefits from a member in good standing, OR a true non-member that you want to add to your database (that is not a prospect). Note that if the member they are inheriting benefits from expires or doesn't renew, this record will no longer receive benefits.

To add a non-member record:

  • Go to the backend and click on the Add Company button, or click on the arrow right next to it and choose Add Person.

  • Enter the name and as much relevant information as possible.

  • The Designated Member Type should be None Designated

  • If this record should inherit benefits from a member, be sure to add the appropriate Parent Member.

  • Click the Save & Close button to create the record.

Add an Individual and Their Company at the Same Time

When adding an individual to Novi, adding a Parent Member will establish the individual as part of a family tree.

Start typing the name of the company in the Parent Member box.

  • If the company exists, it can be selected.

  • If the record does not exist, it can be added at the same time as the individual by selecting Add [Company Name].

Admins will not see fields that are designated as Frontend Only in this modal, as it only displays fields marked as "Admin Create", "Key Information" or "Required on Backend". Admins can access additional fields under the Details tab on the record after its creation.

A new set of fields will appear at the bottom of the window to be filled in after completing the individual's information.

Note: Only one membership can be created at a time. If the individual and company both have a Designated Member Type, they will be saved as prospects.

If you have any questions or feedback about adding records to your Novi database, please reach out to our customer support team via the blue Intercom messenger button.

A Note on Companies with Seat-Based Memberships

If you've created a new record for a person who should inherit benefits from their parent company, and that company is in a member type with seat-based dues - learn how to manage seats for an existing company member.

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