One of the major advantages of using Novi AMS software for member management is the ability to flow membership benefits from a dues-paying company to its people or sub-companies.ย
Another advantage is the ability for people to sign up on the frontend and self-manage their account. The flip side is that these capabilities could cause security concerns - what if a user signs up under a company they don't work for?
To address security issues when users create accounts on the frontend, Novi offers these features:
When someone creates a new user account, they will be added to the Recent Signups list on the backend, so admins can check for duplicate records and anything else your association chooses to review/verify.
When a user creates a new account under a parent company, a notification email will automatically be sent to the person/people with Management Access on the company's record. Learn more about this email below.
To prevent bad actors creating fake accounts, Novi asks new user signups to confirm their email and validates the account email against approved email domains in a database. If there is no match, the new user signup will be placed in a pending status in Recent Signups to verify, and accept or deactivate.
Notification Email Sent To Management Access Users
When users create accounts on the frontend that identifies a parent company, Novi will automatically notify the company's Primary Contact, Billing Contact, and people with Management Access (if applicable).
From there, the Primary/Billing Contact or individual with management access may remove this person from their People list if needed from the Member Compass.
In the screenshot below, the email includes the name of the person who created an account and provides a link to the Member Compass where to remove unauthorized users from the parent.
Email Subject: Individual Linked to Your Company on Association of No Workarounds
Admins can disable the automatic notification emails for Primary/Billing Contacts and individuals with management access. To do this, navigate to the person's record, go to the Settings tab, and check Do Not Send New Signup Email Alerts under the Communication section. Before turning off these alerts, please make sure admins have thoroughly reviewed the security considerations outlined above.
Additional Information:
The verbiage in this email is standard across all Novi clients and cannot be edited by association staff.
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Signup Protection For Added Accounts - Learn how Novi verifies new user account signups by validating the email domain against known domains for your company and/or sub-companies.