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Merge Members in Novi AMS

Learn how to merge a company or person in Novi AMS, and when it's more appropriate to merge directly in QuickBooks.

Jenn Norman, CAE avatar
Written by Jenn Norman, CAE
Updated over a week ago

Merging Records in Novi

1. Find the Members to Be Merged

  • The Search box on the Members List is a helpful tool for locating the two records to be merged.

    • Search by name, email, phone, or the first line of the Billing Address.

    • Merges can also be performed in the Family Tree tab on records.

  • When the Members list populates, check the boxes next to the two records that to be merged.

    • Note: Only two records can be merged at a time. To merge more than two member records, repeat this merge process multiple times.

    • Note: Only records of the same "type" can be merged together (either two companies or two people).

2. Merge

  • Click on the Batch Actions button at the top of the Members list and select Merge Records.

3. Determine "Winning" & "Losing" Data

  • After clicking the batch action in step 2, the Merge Records modal will open (see screenshot below).

  • The Main Record selection determines which record is the "winner" in the merge.

    • Sometimes the system will force one of the records to be the main record and not allow it to be changed as the "winning" main record. For example, if a deleted/deactivated record is included in the merge, then it cannot be the main record. The good news is that you can pick which data "wins" - even if it's the data on the secondary record!

  • Choose which data to keep from Record One and which to keep from Record Two.

Important Notes:

  • When merging a record that has membership:
    โ€‹(i.e. Member Type, Join Date, Expiration Date)

    • Be sure to select the membership dates that should stay on the winning record. If membership dates are not marked to be kept, the record could move into a different membership status.

    • If both records have membership dates, choose the dates with the correct Expiration Date. Edit the Join Date after the merge if needed.

  • When merging two "company" records:

    • If either company has a Primary Contact or Billing Contact assigned, admins will be able to select the "winning" contact(s).

    • If one of the companies does not have a value, admins can select to the empty value to not include the Contact on the winning record.

    • If the Contact is not listed as an option, they can be assigned to the role a on the record after completing the merge.

  • When merging two "person" records:

    • Select the correct User Account (likely the most recently used) so the person can continue to log in to the site (see screenshot below).

    • If this person is syncing over to any 3rd party integrated software (example: Higher Logic), check out the tips here before finishing the merge.

4. Finish the Merge

  • Once the winning data has been selected, click the Merge Records button to save, and the records are merged.

  • Event registrations, transactions and all other records assigned to the secondary record will be added to the main "winning" record.


Companies vs. People

Only records of the same "Company" or "Person" record type can be merged. When attempting to merge a company record and a person record, the system will prevent this by graying out the merge button.ย 

If a record type is incorrect, change the record to the correct record type by going to the record > Settings tab > click "This customer is actually a company (or person)" and the record will automatically update. You will then be able to proceed with the merge.

Parent/Child Relationship

If one record is the parent of the other, an error will occur during the merge. In this case, remove the parent relationship and try the merge again.

Merging Records & Third-Party Integrated Software

When merging records in Novi, here are a couple of tips for third-party integrations that sync member records from Novi for login and access:

  • The best practice is to keep the record that is currently synced with the third party as the winning record, and then choose individual sections or fields with the most up-to-date information. This way, any previous engagement in the third-party integration is not lost.

  • Specifically, if using Higher Logic, note that if the winning record in Novi was not already previously syncing over, the merge creates a fresh account in Higher Logic. All posts and threads will remain, but any individual engagement (history/points) will be reset.

When to Merge Records in QuickBooks

In certain circumstances, merges must be initiated within QuickBooks:

  • When both companies have deposits and/or sales receipts associated with them.

  • When books are closed, limiting Novi's access to them.

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