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Membership Change Summary Report
Membership Change Summary Report

See your membership trends - including adds, drops, and retention over time - using the built-in Membership Change report.

Jenn Norman, CAE avatar
Written by Jenn Norman, CAE
Updated over 6 months ago

The Report

At its core, the Membership Change Summary Report gives admins the ability to run a report showing how many members have been added, dropped, and retained within a defined time period. You can also compare two time periods. The results can be exported and are displayed in two ways - a visual chart and a grid/list view of the data.

The Benefits

  • Find out how many members joined and were dropped from the membership roster for any date range.

  • Compare how many membership numbers over time.

  • Watch for trends in membership.

  • Determine strategies for engaging and retaining members.

  • Answer board of directors' questions before they even ask them by exporting this report for their meetings (we think this one may be your favorite!).

View the Membership Change Summary Report

  • Go to the backend and click Reporting in the left sidebar.

  • Select Membership Change.

Components of the Report

1. The top section of this report is where you can adjust the filters. As the filters are changed, the report results below the filters will automatically update.

2. Below that is the bar chart/graph - a visual representation of the data.

3. The last section is the list/table view - a detailed breakdown of the numbers, percentage calculations, and totals for each.


The following filters can be used to customize the report results:

Report Period - sort by relative dates as well as a specific date range

  • Last 12 Months (this is the default setting if all or most of your member types are set up as anniversary renewals)

  • Last 3 Years (this is the default setting if all or most of your member types are set up as calendar renewals)

  • Last 5 Years

  • Current Year (this is 1/1 of the current year through today's date)

  • Previous Year

  • Custom (enter specific start and end dates)

View By - determines which membership segment should be included in the report

  • Dues Paying Members

  • Inheriting Members

  • Dues Paying & Inheriting Members

Group By - determines how the data will be displayed in the chart (on the x-axis) and the list view (in the first column)

  • Month

  • Quarter

  • Year

Member Type - determines which members to include in the report, based on their assigned member type

  • All Member Types (this is the default setting)

  • Custom (select one or multiple member types from the drop-down)

Compare To - compare two time periods (only available when the report is grouped by Month or Quarter)

  • None (this is the default setting)

  • Prior Year (compares to the same dates a year before, ex: 12/2020 would compare to 12/2019)

  • Prior Period (compares to the immediately preceding time period, ex: 12/2020 would compare to 11/2020)


Based on the filters applied above, the report will show the following in the chart/graph:

  • Member Change # (y-axis) - the difference between Adds and Drops

  • Report Period (x-axis) - the report dates grouped by Month, Quarter, or Year

  • Report Total (the line with dots) - the total number of members as of the end of the period

  • Report Change # (the "bars") - the difference between Adds and Drops for that period


The report will show the following in the list/table:

Data in the table is determined by:

  • Report Period - the first column shows the dates grouped by Month, Quarter, or Year (this is determined by the filter setting above)

  • Adds - occur when a member's status transitions from any non-current status to current (inheriting members are included) - clicking on a number in this column will open the Add Report with the corresponding filters automatically applied

  • Drops - occur when a member's status transitions from current to any non-current status (inheriting members are included) - clicking on a number in this column will open the Drop Report with the corresponding filters automatically applied

  • Retained - the number of members at the start of the period minus the number of drops

  • % Retained - the percentage of members from the start of the period who are still current at the end of the period

  • Change - the difference between adds and drops

  • % Change - the overall change in current member totals between the start and end of the period

  • Total - the total number of current members as of the end of the period

Totals are calculated as:

  • Total Adds = the sum of the adds over the report period

  • Total Drops = the sum of the drops over the report period

  • Total Retained = the initial number of members at the start of the report period minus the total number of drops over the report period

  • Total % Retained = the total number of members retained divided by the initial number of members at the start of the report period

  • Total Change = the difference between total adds and total drops

  • Total % Change = (final # of members - initial # of members) / initial # of members

Ready to run this report?

Go to the Reporting tab on the backend and click on Membership Change.

Exporting the Report

Once the filters have been added, the report can be exported to a .pdf or .csv file by clicking the corresponding icon (above the bar graph on the right - see image below).

  • PDF (printer icon) - includes the bar chart and list data, the report period, which member types are included, and your organization's logo

  • CSV (paper with an "x" icon) - includes the data from the list view

Export Icons:

Sample PDF Export:

Sample CSV Export:

Items of Note

  • Inheriting members can be included in the Membership Change Summary report.

  • Deactivating a current member's record, or removing their membership dates manually, will show in the report as a Drop. (This does not apply to prospects or members who were already expired at the start of the report period.)

  • This report relies on the data in your members' Timelines. This data only extends as far back as your launch with Novi. Membership activity that precedes the launch of the timeline feature in Novi (April 2020) has been reconstructed from the audit logs, and may not be 100% accurate.

  • In the rare situation that you need to delete one of your member types, it will not affect this report because the data is based on historical timeline activities.

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