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Novi AMS & RSS Feeds

Wondering why Novi doesn't support RSS Feeds? Lets dive in to the details!

Jenn Norman, CAE avatar
Written by Jenn Norman, CAE
Updated over a week ago

What are RSS Feeds?

According to, RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is an XML-based standard and format used to distribute recent news and other frequently updated content appearing on a website.

Well, that sounds cool! Why doesn't Novi support this?

We love visuals, so let's look at what a Google Trends graph has to say...

RSS Feeds became increasingly popular in the early 2000s, and have been on a steady decline ever since.

Here are a few reasons...

  • Technology is ever-changing! Remember when you used to carry around a phone AND an mp3 player? That is a great analogy to utilizing RSS Feeds in conjunction with present-day technology!

  • Social Media has taken over, and become a business necessity to staying relevant when sharing content with customers/members.

  • Email Platforms like Constant Contact & Mailchimp have added ease to creating custom templates and messaging (Fun fact: Emails have a MUCH higher click rate than RSS Feeds).

Tips to Keeping your Members Updated on your Content Updates!

Catch your member's eyes with new blog posts, events, pages, and products you want to share as soon as they reach your homepage.

2. Implement a weekly email with links to your latest content to send to your members.

3. Post your latest content to your Social Media accounts at the same time you post to your website.

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