Looking to add some non-traditional revenue? Take advantage of the "Featured Member" setting for your member directory.ย
Your members can enjoy prime placement right at the top of your member directory. They will also get to display a 'premium' listing that includes their logo, marketing information, social media feeds, related members, member bio and more! All other members will be listed with their name and basic contact information.
You can charge at your discretion for this placement. Learn more about using the Ecommerce platform to monetize your member directory.
Note: If you have a directory that includes non-members, their profiles can also be featured within that directory.
Sections in this article:
How to turn on Featured Directory Listings - This is a site wide setting which will then allow you to use this functionality on specific directories, as needed.
Customization Options for Display Fields - Determine what information shows for featured profiles versus non-featured.
How to Feature a Member Profile - Learn the steps to feature a specific member profile in the directory.
Example of a Featured vs Non-Featured Profile - Take a closer look at an example profile to see the differences when it is set to be featured versus not featured.
Additional Questions & Answers - More information about featured profiles, including how the display order is determined and if there's a limit to how many profiles can be featured.
Ready to get started?
1. Enable Featured Directory Listings - Site Setting
Before you can start featuring members in a directory you'll need to enable the site wide setting by following these steps:
In Association Settings > go to the Membership tab > scroll down to the Featured Listings section
Check the box to Enable Featured Directory Listings and select your customization options. (see Featured vs Non-Featured Customization Options below for more info)
This will now add a checkbox on all member records so you can choose which members to feature. (see How do I feature certain members? below)
2. Featured vs. Non-Featured Customization Options
You can control what information appears on the frontend of your website for your featured versus basic member directory listings.
Under Association Settings > Membership, there is a Featured Listings section. This is where you can select which fields are displayed:
Contacts/Related Members
Directory Gallery
Special Offers
3. Enable Featured Directory Listings - Directory Setting
Once you've completed Steps 1 & 2 above, you're ready to turn on Featured Directory Listings within each of your directories, as needed.
How do I feature certain members?
When you're ready to feature a specific member in the directory:
Go to their record on the backend
Select the Settings tab
Then check the box for Featured Directory Listing
Click the Save button (top right)
What does a featured vs. non-featured listing look like?
Below is an example of what a featured vs. non-featured listing might look like. Note that none of the information was removed from the company's record in the non-featured version - it is simply hidden in the directory.
Additional Questions & Answers
Is there a limit for how many members I can feature?
No, but after 12 members, this will result in featured members being shown on the next page(s). If you want them all to remain on the first page, keep that number to 12 and under.
How is the display order determined in the member directory?
The Sort Order is set per directory in each directory's settings. When a directory is set to Random, the entire directory will be loaded at random to achieve fairness of placement throughout the directory.
The randomized order displayed will update after 1 hour, giving users plenty of time to search through the directory without seeing members twice.
If you have the alphabetical setting turned on, see below...
If my directory is set to sort in alphabetical order, will featured members still be at the top of the directory?
Yes - The featured profiles will be at the top of the directory, and they will be sorted in alphabetical order within that grouping.
If I "turn off" the featured listing setting (from Association Settings) and turn it back on later, will my featured sponsors be deleted?
Disabling this checkbox will not delete the underlying data. Turning this feature back on will re-enable all former featured members as well.
Why are people/staff headshots not showing on the directory page?
A person's headshot image will show in the directory list under one of three conditions:
If their company is featured and they are inheriting benefits or they are a current member themselves.
They are in a Leadership Role.
If featured listings are turned on, in their individual record, under Settings, it is checked to list the individual as a Featured Directory Listing.