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Default Billable Party for Dues

If a member doesn't pay their own dues, assign a different Default Billable Party for Membership Dues!

Lane Gibbs avatar
Written by Lane Gibbs
Updated over 6 months ago

If you have members who always rely on a different, related member to pay their dues, you can change their Default Billable Party for Dues!

Sections in this article:

Who is the Default Billable Party for Dues?

Default Billable Party for Dues refers to the party who is automatically responsible for paying dues. For example:

  • Company A is a member. They pay their own dues invoice each year. Company A is its own Default Billable Party for Dues.

  • Alternatively, Company A might be a member under Company B. Company B pays Company A's dues invoice each year. In this case, Company B is the Default Billable Party for Dues for Company A.

  • To take it a step further, Company B might also pay the dues for companies C, D, and E. Therefore, they can receive one invoice for all of these.

Typically, the Default Billable Party for Dues is determined by Member Type but this rule can be overridden for specific members.

Change the "Default Billable Party for Dues" by Member Type

NOTE: If you do not change the Default Billable Party for Dues, Novi will assume the member itself is responsible for its own dues.

If you'd like to change the Default Billable Party for Dues for an entire Member Type, first navigate to the Member Type in question. From there:

  1. Navigate to the Member Type's Settings tab.

  2. Scroll down to the Accounting section.

  3. Choose the correct Default Billable Party for Dues from the dropdown menu.

    1. As mentioned above, Member Itself is selected by default.

    2. If you choose Parent, the dues for all members under this Member Type will be billed to their respective Parents.

    3. If you choose Grandparent, the dues for all members under this Member Type will be billed to their respective Grandparents. If a member does not have a Grandparent, their Parent will be billed instead.

Override the "Default Billable Party for Dues" for Specific Members

If only a few members have a unique Default Billable Party for Dues, you can override the rules of their Member Type on their specific record. First, navigate to the record of the member in question. From there:

  1. Navigate to the member's Settings tab.

  2. Scroll down to the Renewals section.

  3. Choose the correct Default Billable Party for Dues Override from the dropdown menu.

    1. By default, Follow the Member Type Default will be selected.

    2. Alternatively, you can choose Member Itself, Parent, or Grandparent.

When the Default Billable Party for Dues is the member's Parent or Grandparent, what does the invoice look like?

When a member renews, the record set as the Default Billable Party for Dues will automatically receive the dues invoice. The Default Billable Party for Dues can pay this invoice from their Member Compass.

The Default Billable Party for Dues will appear on the "Bill To" line, while the Purchaser will still be the member that is being renewed.

In cases where one Default Billable Party for Dues is responsible for multiple members that renew on the same day, the dues-related charges for all of these members will appear on one invoice. In these cases, the purchaser will simply read as "Multiple Members".

If the Default Billable Party for Dues needs to separate these charges for any reason, they can Split from Invoice & Bill to Member. Admins can also Split from Invoice & Bill to Member from the backend.

After the invoice is split, the new separate invoice will appear under Invoices Not Sent or Printed under Transactions on the backend. An admin can then send the new invoice to the responsible member. Additionally, splitting an invoice will produce an audit log entry, allowing you to track when a new, separate transaction is successfully generated.

Invoices that are split from the original invoice will have the same dates attributed to them as the original invoice.

Frequently Asked Questions:

If a parent company also pays dues, in addition to the children being billed to them, is that on the same invoice or separate?

  • It will be a separate invoice if that parent also pays dues.

Do the children being billed to the parent need to have the same expiration date?

  • Only if you want them to be on the same invoice. Otherwise, they will have separate invoices billed to the parent.

If a member splits their transaction, will I as an admin receive a notification that this is now a separate invoice?

  • You won't receive a notification, however, the new invoice will now appear in the transactions filter labeled “INVOICES NOT SENT OR PRINTED”.

Are these split invoices stored in the audit log?

  • Yes, you will be able to see when an invoice has been split in the audit log.

If an invoice is split, will it automatically update the Default Billable Party for Dues for the member that was split?

  • Yes. When you click split from invoice and bill a member, the system will update the Default Billable Party for Dues for that record back to the Member Itself option.

Can invoices be rejoined after they are split?

  • No, a new invoice would need to be created in order to rejoin the charges.

When using the group or report conditions for Open or Overdue Dues Balances, which members will appear?

  • The dues balance is owed by the Default Billable Party for Dues, not the member themselves (when set to Parent or Grandparent), so the dues payer will appear in your group or report.

How will multi-member invoices look in QuickBooks?

  • QuickBooks invoices featuring multiple members will look very similar to the Smart Invoice in the Default Billable Party's Member Compass. However, there will be no option to "Split from Invoice" for each individual member.

When changing the Default Billable Party for Dues Override, is it obvious if they are using the member type default?

  • Yes, the item selected will have a checkmark next to it. This can be viewed on the Settings tab of the member's record (on the backend).

What happens if the staff member who opted into auto-pay for a company leaves the family?

  • If the person who opted into auto-pay on behalf of a company is removed from the company's family tree, auto-pay will be turned off for that company's membership. (They will still auto-renew at the appropriate time, but auto-pay will be off.)

  • Also, a notification email will be sent to each person in the family that has management access for that company, letting them know auto-pay has been disabled.

  • The next time a renewal dues invoice is paid on the frontend by another person in the family, that person will have the option to opt-in to auto-pay again.

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