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Add & Edit Committee Member Terms
Add & Edit Committee Member Terms

Start adding members to your committees and editing their terms

Melisa Smith avatar
Written by Melisa Smith
Updated over 2 months ago

Once you've created a committee, start adding committee members, assigning them roles, and specifying their membership terms!

Add Committee Roles and Member Terms

Committee Roles

Before adding committee members, create the roles that these members will fill (Things like - Chair, Vice Chair, Director, Committee Member, etc.).

Visit the Committee Roles tab, hit "New Committee Role," and enter the name of a role.

After hitting "Save & Close," your new role will be available to use in Committees.

Add Committee Member Terms

Once you've created roles, you can start adding committee members and assigning them terms! Jump back to the Committees tab to get started.

Selecting a committee will take you to the committee members list, where you can click "Add Committee Member."

A term is given to all committee members. The term dates determine whether a committee member has a current, past, or future term.

A committee member can have several terms within the same committee. For example, they may serve more than one role. Or, they may have served several terms over multiple years. We will look to the current term that ends the latest to determine their committee status and show you the number of terms served per committee member.

General Committee Term Fields

In the New Committee Member Term modal that appears, complete the following basic fields:

  • Name: Start typing the name of the person or company joining the committee.

  • Committee Name: Make sure the name here reflects the correct committee.

  • Term Start: Enter the start date of the member's term. This can be a date in the past, if you're tracking historical information, or the future, for planning ahead.

  • Term End: Enter the date when the member's term will end. If the term is ongoing, you can leave this blank.

  • Role: Choose the correct role for this member. You can also add new role from this field!

  • Internal Notes: Add any important notes about the member or their term here. These will only be visible to association admins.

Continuing Education Committee Term Fields

Also in the New Committee Member Term modal, if you'll be awarding continuing education credits for a member's committee involvement, turn the Continuing Education toggle ON. After doing so, you can assign...

  • Credits Possible: The total number of credits a committee member can earn.

  • Credit Type: The type of continuing education credit(s) you'll be awarding.

  • Credit Award Method: The conditions that must be met for the member to earn the credits possible. You can choose to either...

    • Assign Credits Immediately (and if so, how many)

    • Assign Credits When X% of Term is Complete (you can determine the percentage required under the committee's Details tab)

  • Credit Notes: Any additional information that the member should see in continuing education detail reports.

  • Instructors: Instructors that should be displayed on the member's continuing education reports.

Once you've entered all the necessary information you can "Save & Add New" (to quickly start entering details about another committee member) or "Save & Close."

CEs for members who earned Continuing Education Credits through a committee are included in their Credit Certificate and Education Report.

Edit or Extend Terms

To edit an existing term's information, find the committee member and term you're looking for under the committee's Unique Terms sub-tab.

Clicking Edit under the Action column will open the Edit Committee Member Term modal, where you can adjust a term's start/end dates, role, notes, or associated credits.

If a committee member is returning for another term, click New Term under the Action column caret. Doing so will let you create another term for the member with unique start/end dates.

FAQ: If a member is staying on a committee, should I adjust their term's end date or start a new term?

If a committee member is truly starting a new term, you'll want to use the New Term action. Simply extending the end date of their existing term won't accurately capture their engagement on their member record or the Committee Terms Report.

For example, if your committee terms are 12 months long and a member is returning, you'd want to see two year-long terms on their member record, rather than an inaccurate two-year term.

Deactivated Records and Committees

When a committee member record is deactivated:

  • the member will automatically be removed from the Members sub-tab

  • the committee will be removed from the member's Engagement tab

  • the member's Activity Timeline will log the removal, showing the member as becoming ineligible for the committee.

If the deactivated record is reactivated, the member's place in the committee will be restored. If the deactivation is the result of a merge, the winning record will populate the committee.

The Members Sub-Tab

The default tab when clicking into a committee is always the Members sub-tab. This tab is a "rollup" of committee members and their most recent committee information. By default, this will default to show you Current status committee members.

You'll see the committee members' most recent role in the role fields and eligibility information, if applicable.

The tab can be filtered by status, role, eligibility, and a range of term start and end dates.

The Unique Terms Sub-Tab

Rather than providing a roll-up of committee members, the Unique Terms tab provides you with a comprehensive list of every term served by every member of the committee. By default, this shows committee members of "Any" committee status.

If someone has served multiple terms, you'll see them on this list multiple times.

Note that eligibility, when applicable, only appears for Current committee members.

The filters are similiar to the Members sub-tab.


When committee benefits are extended to other users in your system (see more on this here), they become a beneficiary of the committee.

This allows a "Beneficiaries" sub-tab to appear on the committee that is otherwise hidden.

This tab exists for you to know who the beneficiaries of the committees are, but is not actionable.

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