Showcase featured events, articles, static pages & products on your homepage with carousels!
What is the carousel?
The homepage carousel is a feature that, when enabled, allows you to showcase multiple pieces of your website in the "Top Featured" section on your homepage. Your web visitors can click through these items by clicking on the dots at the bottom of this section. You can also set the items to auto-advance, so visitors are exposed to all of your featured items automatically.
Turning on the carousel feature
To turn on the carousel feature or to have your carousel auto-advance, contact the Novi team. When auto-advance is turned on, it will automatically switch to the next featured item every five seconds.
Adding items to the carousel
From your homepage, click on Homepage Settings (you must be logged in as an admin)
In the Top Featured section, start typing in the name of the item that you've already created on the backend and select it
Click the Add button
Click the Save & Close button
The items you choose to feature will appear in the order they appear in your homepage settings. You can drag and drop these items if you'd like to re-arrange the order in which they appear.
Novi tip: As always, try to use captivating, vibrant and abstract images for these featured items. This will keep your homepage looking clean and professional. Learn more about featured image best practices.