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What's New at Novi: Mid June 2024

Novi AMS regularly releases new enhancements - check out what's new!

Mike Pennington avatar
Written by Mike Pennington
Updated over 4 months ago

We're excited to share the newest features released on Novi AMS!

Quick Jumps:

Roundtable Recap

Novi regularly offers live roundtable discussions (posted to our Novi HQ calendar - a great link to bookmark to keep an eye on upcoming events) to deep dive into a variety of topics.

Most recently on June 12, our CEO Pete Zimek and Vice President of Product Peter Bernardo held a roundtable called What's New at Novi: Q2 where they discussed some recent features that have been released in the last quarter to the Novi AMS software.

Roundtable recaps are posted and available to review anytime in our article collection called Novi Roundtables. There are great topics to explore!

Curious how Novi decides what features to make a reality? Check out our article:
Making an Impact: Prioritizing Your Novi AMS Feature Requests

Event Updates

🎉 Convert Guest Attendee Registrations to Member Records

When an attendee registers for an event and is not logged in, they are logged as a guest attendee with no hyperlink to a record in the database. Admins can now convert guest attendees into member records.

The system will also scan records to check for any potential matches to help prevent duplicate record creation and admins can connect guest attendee records with the suggested match.

This feature is already getting rave reviews, be sure to check it out and thanks to James for this kind feedback!

I just have to say, whoever came up with the new review/match feature for members who register as guest is a genius. By far one of the best added features you guys have ever done. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!

-James, Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Apartment Association

🕰️ Allow Event Attendees into Webinar Platform 0-30 Minutes in Advance

Whether using the Public or Private virtual event setting, admins can allow users to be sent from Novi's waiting page to into their chosen virtual hosting platform anywhere from 0 - 30 minutes before the virtual event is set to begin.

🔗 Secondary Call to Action Buttons in Events Can Link to Event Tabs

Admins can utilize Novi's Tabbed Event Layout feature and use a tab link in a Secondary Call to Action button in the event to guide users back to important event information!

Integration Updates

📩 Sync Member & Custom Fields to Mailchimp/Constant Contact

Traditionally First Name, Last Name, and email were synced from Novi to Mailchimp and Constant Contact, but a huge integration upgrade by Novi now allows admins to determine which additional fields should be synced into those platforms to craft detailed marketing campaigns! This is managed in Association Settings > Integrations.

💡Learn More: Association Settings

Membership Update

💌 Receive Notification Emails When New Members Join

When new membership is initiated, email notifications can be sent to persons to alert them of the new membership.

Admins can input specific email addresses for this notification, and every member type offers the notification option. New members will also appear in Recent Signups.

💡Learn More: Member Type Settings

Report Update

💵 See Revenue Roll-Up and Compare Over Time in Item Sales Report

Novi's Item Sales Report includes a summarized item sales stage by overall item sales total and also breaks out summaries by revenue category. The summary cards reflect the report's Filter button's settings and admins can determine which items map to specific revenue cards in Novi.

💡Learn More: Item Sales Report

✨ Feature Flashback

Not sure if a member received a transactional email (think Smart renewal, event confirmation, etc.) or need to see if a transactional email was opened and/or clicked?

Novi customers have told us how helpful the Email Transactional Log has been when those questions arise!

Curious how Novi decides what features to make a reality?
Check out our article:
Making an Impact: Prioritizing Your Novi AMS Feature Requests

Have questions? Contact Novi AMS!

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