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The Novi Accounting Transactions Section

How to navigate the Transactions section in Novi.

Melisa Smith avatar
Written by Melisa Smith
Updated over a month ago

Looking at the Transactions section in Novi (Accounting > Transactions), you'll notice that it's pretty similar to the Sales page inside of QuickBooks Online. Both allow staff to send both individual and bulk transactions via email, but... Novi has added our own spin on quite a few components.

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In this section, the Transactions "Stage" shows a clear view of un-sent or un-printed invoices, the amount unpaid (open and overdue invoices), and the $ amount of recently paid invoices. 

In addition, admins can view the date, type, number, member, due date, balance, total, and status for each of the transactions.

Quick Links:

Filtering and Searching the Transactions Section

Novi has an extensive filtering system in the transactions section, making it easy to find specific transactions.

Search by Transaction Number or Name

Use the search bar to find transactions by the transaction number or the record name.


Transactions Stage Tiles:

Each color tile at the top of the transactions tab is clickable. When clicked, it filters the list of transactions below.

  • Invoices Not Sent or Printed

  • Open Invoices

  • Overdue Invoices

  • $ Paid Last 30 Days

Filter Button:

Use the preset filters to filter the list as needed.

  • Category: Dues Invoice (All/New/Renewal), Events, Ecommerce, Fee Donation, QuickBooks (Non-Novi)

  • Transaction Type: Invoice, Sales Receipt, Payment, Credit Memo, Refund, Journal Entry, Check

  • Print /Sent Status: Any, Not Sent or Printed, Not Sent, Sent, Not Printed, Printed

  • Member Type

  • Related Events/Products: All active products, and all events with a start date of less than 366 from today and any future event.

  • Transaction Status: Open, Overdue, Paid/Closed, Recently Paid, Partially Paid, Voided, Non-Renew

  • Transaction Date From/To

  • Sent Date From/To (this is based on the Last Sent Date)

  • Due Date From/To

  • Final Payment Date From/To

Available Filter options in Transactions

Quick Filters

To select a pre-filtered option, click the Quick Filters button in the filter modal.

Options include:

  • Open Invoices Not Sent or Printed

  • Open Invoices

  • Overdue Invoices

  • Overdue Dues Invoices

  • Non-Renewed Dues Invoices

  • Paid Dues Last 30 Days: Transaction type of Sales Receipt or Invoice AND Final Payment Date within the last 30 days

  • Overdue Event Invoices

  • Overdue Ecommerce Invoices

Quick Filter options

AE Tip:

  • Use Quick Filters for commonly used filter combinations. Otherwise, manually configure the filters to drill down.

  • Use the Category filter to select Novi-identified transaction and revenue categories.

  • Use the Transaction Type filter to select the QuickBooks-identified transaction type.

Note: While manually configuring filters, there are potential scenarios that will return no results because the combination is impossible. (For example, filtering to Category > Events and Transaction Type > Payment would not display any transactions because payments don’t have categories.)

Display Columns

The default columns include:

  • Date

  • Transaction Type

  • No.

  • Name

  • Due Date

  • Balance

  • Total

  • Status

  • Action

Action Column:

Under the action column on the right, admins can View the transaction, and select the arrow to Receive Payment, Print, or Send.

Note, the options depend on the type of transaction, so you may not see these if it does not apply.

Under action column admins can view the transaction or click the carat to receive payment, print, or send.

Add More Columns:

Click the gear icon (top right above the Transactions list) to add more display columns to the list.

For a complete list of all available columns, see: Available Columns in List Views & Exports

Sending Transactions Through Novi

Sending transactions through Novi gives admins more control.

Here are a few of the perks:

  • Novi follows business rules. We look for the billing contact on a company record first (when applicable). If that information isn’t there, the invoice goes to the company's main email address.

  • All staff members are able to send transactions without going into QuickBooks Online.

  • Novi filters make it easy to find exactly which invoices need to be sent.

Send Transactions Individually

  1. Scroll to the Action column on the right of the transaction you wish to send.

  2. Click the arrow icon, then Send.

Click the carat and then click send.

A modal appears with a preview of the transaction. Click Send and Close in the bottom right corner.

Send invoice preview modal

To send multiple transactions in batch, continue reading below.

Batch Actions

The Batch Actions function makes it easy to print or email invoices.

1. Select Transactions: Select the desired transaction(s) from the list.

  • Remember to apply filters first, if necessary!

2. Choose a Batch Action: Batch actions include Print, Email, Non-Renew & Credit, Receive Payment, and Recalculate Invoices.

  • Print or Email: To print or email transactions, select the appropriate option from the menu.

    • Mark as Printed: When the "Print" option is chosen, Novi prompts the user to confirm whether to mark the invoice as printed.

  • Non-Renew and Credit: Specific to open dues invoices, this action creates a credit memo and rolls back the member's expiration date at once. Non-Renew and Credit is how admins "drop" members for non-payment.

  • Recalculate: Specific to open dues invoices that have not been manually edited in QuickBooks Online, recalculate is used when a dues invoice needs to be updated.

Batch Actions button

Help! The Actions are Grayed Out: If multiple types of transactions are selected that aren't supported by a particular action, that option will be greyed out in Batch Actions menu.

Receiving Payments

Novi makes it easy to receive a payment on an outstanding invoice.


1. Click the plus sign at the top middle of the backend and then select Receive Payment.


2. Click the Receive Payment button (top right corner).


3. Click the arrow next to a specific invoice (within the Transactions list) and then select Receive Payment.

Receive Payment Modal:

In the Receive Payment modal, several options are available (see image below).

  • A Member can be selected, which will display all of their outstanding invoices.

  • Alternatively, payments can be applied by searching for the correct invoice using the Invoice No.

  • Fields are provided to enter the Payment Method, Reference Number, Amount Received, and the account where the payment should be deposited (see the next bullet point for more information).

  • The Deposit To field typically defaults to Undeposited Funds, which is generally the recommended account. Novi is set to default to this account automatically. For further details, refer to the Undeposited Funds article, which explains why this account is so vital.

  • Further down, there is a section for adding a Memo and a Clear Payment button. The Clear Payment button serves as an “undo” for any actions applied, allowing the receive payment process to be restarted if necessary.

Receive Payment modal

Additional Resources:

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