Promo codes can be customized to meet an association's business practices in a number of ways.
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Availability Settings
Total Quantity Available
Set the total number of times that a promo code can be used.
Leave blank for Unlimited uses.
If the Discount Method used is Per Eligible Item Purchased, availability is based on the quantity of each item purchased.
If the Discount Method is Per Checkout, availability is based on the number of checkouts using this promo code.
Set the start date and time for the promo code.
Set the end date and time for the promo code.
Limit who can use a promo code.
Open (Anyone)
Unlimited use by anyone, including non-logged in guests.
Logged-In Users
Any logged in user account can use this promo code
Logged-In Members With Benefits
Any logged in user with member benefits may use this promo code.
Any logged in user with deriving benefits from the listed group(s)/committee(s) may use this promo code.
Member Types
Any logged in user with deriving benefits from the listed member type(s) may use this promo code.
Specific Members
Any logged in user with deriving benefits from the listed member(s) may use this promo code.
Admin Only
Only full or limited admins may use this promo code.
Promo code limitations allows admins to set usage limits based on who the code is restricted to:
None (Unlimited Uses)
The specific user can use the code an unlimited number of times.
By Individual Purchaser
The specific user can use the code a limited number of times.
By Purchaser's Immediate Family
The specific user and their immediate family (direct parent or any direct people under the parent) can use the code a combined total number of times. The redemption count includes all uses by immediate family members.
By Purchaser's Entire Family Tree
The specific user and all members of their family tree can use the code a combined total number of times. The redemption count includes all uses by the entire family tree.
Max Uses Per Purchaser:
The usage limits are counted based on either the quantity of each item purchased with the promo code or the number of checkouts where the promo code was used, depending on the Discount Method.
If unlimited uses is selected and the promo code has a total quantity limit, the promo code can be used until the limit is reached. Leaving the quantity blank allows unlimited use of the promo code.
Related Articles:
Adding and Setting Up Promo Codes - Learn how to create a promo code.
Promo Code Accounting & Tracking - instructions on setting up the accounting section of promo codes, and promo code reporting.