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Continuing Education Reporting

How members and admins can view or pull a report of continuing education credits

Jenn Norman, CAE avatar
Written by Jenn Norman, CAE
Updated over 7 months ago

In this article:

For Members:

Members can view their credits by navigating to the Continuing Education section of the Member Compass.

Here they will see all credits listed, including those awarded from events in Novi and those manually added by admins to their activity timeline. Clicking on View Credit will download a PDF file of that credit's details to their computer that the member can then save or print.

Credit Detail Sample:

Note: The information included in the credit details and on the credit report is based on your Association Settings in the Continuing Education tab and may differ somewhat from the sample shown above.

Credits Not Earned: Events

  • Attendee was marked as Not Attended

    • Registered attendees who were marked as Not Attended for an event that had credit possible will see in their Continuing Education tab in the Member Compass that they did not attend the event and that no credits were issued, and no View Credit button will display.

  • Attendee status is unknown

    • If an attendee is not marked as either Attended or Not Attended for event that had credits possible, no credits nor the event itself will appear in the Continuing Education tab in the Member Compass.

Credits Not Earned: Manually Added Credits

When admins manually assign credits, if 0 credits or less credits than the full amount possible were earned, users will see in their Continuing Education tab in the Member Compass that no credits were issued and no View Credit button will display.

Credits Not Earned: Committees

For committees that have credits possible, committee members will only see credits for time served on a committee if credits were earned.

Continuing Education Report

Users can download a full Continuing Education Report using the button in the top right corner of the Continuing Education section.

If a member does choose to download this report, they'll be given the option of which time period they'd like the report for:

Once they click the View Report button, a PDF report will be downloaded to their computer. Please remind members that if they have a pop-up blocker, their browser may be blocking the download!
​Education Report Sample:

Note: The information included in the continuing education report is based on your Association Settings and may differ somewhat from the sample shown above.

For Admins:

Continuing Education Report

To view, print, or download a person's Continuing Education Report, start by going to that person's record.Β 

From there, select the Engagement tab and the Credits sub-tab. Once in the Credits sub-tab, click the printer button in the upper righthand corner. This will download the education report as a PDF.

Note: The information included in the continuing education report is based on your Association Settings.

Credit Details

Admins can view, print, download or send credit information to members in a few places.

From the Engagement tab on the Member's Record:

All of a member's credits can be found in the Engagement tab and Credit sub-tab.

To print the details of an individual credit, select Print Credit from the action column.

Note: If an attendee did not earn credits in the event, no Print Credit option will be available.

To send credit details to a member's email, or print multiple credit details, select the credit(s) you want to send/print and then go to Batch Actions.

From the Attendees Tab on an Event:

The attendee list will provide information on all registrants for a particular event, including the possible and awarded credits per ticket. Attendees will only be awarded credit when they are marked as attended for that event ticket. For registrants marked as not attended or with attendance not indicated, credits awarded will display as zero or empty.

If you do not see the columns for credits, you can add them by clicking the gear icon at the top of the list and checking the box for Credits Possible and Credits Awarded.

To send or print credits from the attendee list, check the desired attendees and go to the Batch Actions at the top of the list.

Batch Actions and Credits

Before using batch actions to print or email credits, admins may want to consider marking attendance for the event.

Batch actions for printing or sending credits will only mark those with no attendance indicated as "attended". Those already marked unattended will not be touched.

Anyone marked as unattended will not receive an email or be printed, even if checked for the batch action, since they have not yet earned the credit. Novi will indicate that they have been skipped.

When selecting Print Education Credit(s), Novi will confirm that you intend to mark the attendee(s) with no attendance indicated as attended and print the credit details.

If you okay the print, the credits will be put into a queue to download as a PDF. Admins will be notified when the download is available in the alert center.

When selecting Send Education Credit(s), Novi will confirm that you intend to mark the attendee(s) with no attendance indicated as attended and email the credit details.

If you approve the send, it will queue the credits to be sent to the attendee's email address as an attached PDF.

Note: If the credit is attached to an event, the email will be sent to the email address used to register for that event. If the user's email has since changed, attendee details will need to be updated or the user should be directed to their Member Compass.

Credit Email Sample:

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