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Find a List of Dropped Members

How to pull a list of expired or former members in Novi.

Melanie Dupont avatar
Written by Melanie Dupont
Updated over a week ago

This article covers two ways an admin can pull a list of dropped members in Novi:

Membership Drop Report

For an overall snapshot of dropped members, the Membership Drop Report under the Reporting section > Drop Report tab is your go-to.

"Drops" in this report are defined as anyone moving from Current or Grace Period to any other status, effectively removing their member benefits.

Admins have the ability to view and export a list of members who were dropped during a specific time period. The results can be exported and are displayed in two ways - a visual chart and a grid/list view of the data.

By default, the Drop Report excludes members who currently have a status of Current at the time the report is pulled.

Non-Renew & Credit Filter on the Transactions List

Another way to pull similar information is in a list of Non-Renew and Credited dues invoices in Novi. This is specifically to see invoices connected to members who have been non-renewed & credited for non-payment.

Go to the Accounting section > Transactions tab. In the filter drop-down, click on Transaction Status and select Non-Renew.

Please remember two things:

  • "Non-Renew & Credit" is Novi functionality. This means that QuickBooks Online does not have a concept of a "Non-Renewed" invoice. While you will see this status in Novi, in QuickBooks, if a credit memo has been applied to an invoice, it will always show as "paid" even if the member didn't actually submit a payment.

  • QuickBooks will always be the system of record for accounting, but only invoices created and non-renewed in Novi will have this status. The workflow above will show you a list of all dues invoices (1) created in Novi and (2) non-renewed in Novi. If you have created or credited dues invoices in QuickBooks, the transactions you have created or edited will not be included in the list. A more precise way of accounting for all credit memos applied to dues items (products and services) is to pull the report from QuickBooks.

Here are some additional resources:

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