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Ecommerce Sales Report

View a report showing item-level sales for all Ecommerce products ordered in Novi.

Melanie Dupont avatar
Written by Melanie Dupont
Updated over a week ago

The Ecommerce Sales Report gives you the opportunity to view a list of all product purchases entered in Novi, so you can filter product orders and act on that data.

Please Note:

  • The Ecommerce Sales Report in Novi includes item-level sales for all product orders processed through Novi.

View Ecommerce Sales Report

  • To access the report, go to Reporting > Ecommerce Sales.

  • The default view will display the last 30 days.

  • See the Functionality section below for more information on how to pull the specific information you need for your report.

Product Sales Report Functionality


  • Products (multi-select)

  • Product Category (multi-select)

  • Order Type

  • Order Status

  • Date (defaults to last 30 days - delete the date from to view all time or change the date range in the filter)

  • Order #

  • Purchaser Name

  • Related Event

Display Columns

Some columns show by default, others are available under the gear icon. Reference this article for a full list of all available columns: Available Columns in List Views & Exports. The report can be sorted by any of the columns (except Payment Status) by clicking on the column header.

  • Product

  • Order #

  • Date

  • Order Type - store, admin, event add-on, membership add-on, or connected app

  • Order Status - open, fulfilled, or cancelled

  • Payment Status - invoice or sales receipt, paid or unpaid, blank for free products

  • Quantity

  • Price Paid

  • Discount

  • Net Amount

  • Related Event

  • Delivery Info - name, phone, email, address

  • Purchaser Info - name, parent company, phone, email, billing address, membership status, expiration date

  • Custom fields that are visible in the Ecommerce section

  • Custom fields that are visible in the Member List View will also be available here - they will have "Purchaser" in front of the custom field name

Some of the data in this report is displayed as a hyperlink so you can jump to those items on the backend. Tip: Open these links in new tabs so you don't lose your report filters.

  • You can click on a specific Product from this report page to go to the product on the backend

  • To open a specific order, you can click on the Order # or the Edit link in the Action column

  • To open a transaction, click on the Invoice or Sales Receipt in the Payment Status column

  • In the Purchaser column, you can click on the Purchaser's Name or the Purchaser's Parent Company (if applicable) to open the corresponding member record

  • If the Order Type is an event add-on, you can click the Related Event link to open the event on the backend

  • Use the printer icon to print or save the list as a PDF file

  • Use the Excel icon to export the list as a CSV file


At the bottom of the list, admins can see totals for the following columns:

  • Quantity

  • Discount

  • Net Amount

Important Notes:

  • The totals are based on the filter(s) - if the results of your filters are displayed on 3 pages, the totals will reflect all 3 pages (not just page 1).

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