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Item Sales Report

See detailed sales data from QuickBooks tied to Member record data in Novi.

Jaime Morgan, CAE avatar
Written by Jaime Morgan, CAE
Updated over a week ago

While QuickBooks Online should always be considered the system of record for accounting, Novi does provide non-QuickBooks users with access to an Item Sales report. This report includes sales data from QuickBooks combined with membership details from Novi AMS.

Viewing the Item Sales Report

Access the Item Sales report on the backend of Novi in the left navigation under Reporting and then click on the Item Sales tab.

Note: The items shown in this report are all of the items available in QuickBooks Online. This is not specific to Novi Ecommerce Products.

About the Item Sales Stage Summary Cards

The top of the summary view includes an item sales stage with cards that summarize item sales by overall item sales total and also breaks out summaries by revenue category. The stage cards are dynamic and will reflect the filters applied to the summary report list view (see Customizing the Item Sales Summary Report below.)

Note: There may be instances when additional revenue is not visible to Novi. QuickBooks Online should be the ultimate source of accounting data.

Each staging card contains:

  1. Total revenue for the revenue category

  2. Total revenue from the previous period

  3. The percent change from the previous period

Below the staging cards is a list view of the items sold in the selected period with a summary of the quantity sold, total revenue, and revenue category for each item.

Customizing the Item Sales Summary Report

By default, the report displays the last 30 days. Click the Filter button to change what is included in the list view and the staging cards

Filters on the Item Sales Detail Report

  • Revenue Category

  • Items (Products & Services)

  • Report Period

  • Transaction Date From

  • Transaction Date To

About the Item Sales Detail Report

This report includes sales data from QuickBooks combined with membership details from Novi AMS. Sales are on an accrual basis, so they are counted when billed, not collected. For a cash basis report, please see QuickBooks’ Sales by Product/Service Detail report.

The Item Sales Detail Report includes:

  • Invoices

  • Sales Receipts

  • Credit Memos

  • Refunds

Viewing the Item Sales Detail Report

Main Report

To see the main report (which includes all member records by default, but can be filtered down to specific records), navigate to Reporting in the left sidebar on the backend, click on Item Sales, then click the Details tab.

Specific Member Record

To view the Item Sales Detail Report for a specific member, navigate to the Accounting tab on the member's record and then click on the Sales sub-tab.

Customizing the Item Sales Detail Report

By default, the report displays the last 30 days. Click the Filter button to change the information included in the detail view.

Filters on the Item Sales Detail Report

  • Revenue Category

  • Items (Products & Services)

  • Member Type(s)

  • Member(s)

  • Report Period

  • Transaction Date From

  • Transaction Date To

  • Final Payment Date From

  • Final Payment Date To

Filters When Viewing the Report on a Specific Member Record

When viewing this report on a specific member record, the Member Type(s) and Member(s) filters will not be included, and there will be an additional filter for:

  • Relationship Type

    • All Related

    • Member & Children

    • Member Only (default)

Display Columns

The default columns that display in the report are:

  • Item (Product/Service)

  • Date

  • Member

  • Quantity

  • Price

  • Total Amount

  • Revenue Category

  • Member Type (Effective)

Additional columns can be added to the report by selecting them in the gear icon on the far right.

In addition to the columns regularly available in list views, these display columns are also available under the gear icon:

  • Details

    • Description

    • Date

    • Payment Dates

    • Final Payment Date

    • Member

    • Revenue Category

    • Related Event

    • Related Products

  • Accounting

    • Transaction Type

    • Num

    • Memo/Description

    • Class

    • Department

    • Account

    • Open Balance

    • Overdue Balance

    • Open Dues Balance

    • Overdue Dues Balance

    • Billing Notes

    • A/R Paid

Item Mapping

The mapping on this tab determines how Novi will categorize the sales of each item in the report. This mapping will not affect your financials in QuickBooks.

By default, Novi categorizes item sales based on the following rules:

  • Dues - If an item is attached to a dues rule

  • Events - If an item is attached to an event ticket and not a dues rule

  • Ecommerce - If an item is connected to a product and not a dues rule or event ticket.

  • Other - If an item is not mapped within Novi.

Filters on the Item Mapping Tab

By default the Item Mapping tab includes all items in any revenue category. Filters on the item mapping tab include:

  • Account(s)

  • Revenue Category

  • Default Overwritten

Changing an Item's Revenue Category

The revenue category can be changed using the drop downs in the Revenue Category Mapping column.

To change the revenue category or reset the category of multiple items:

  1. Select all the items to be changed

  2. Click the drop down arrow next to Batch action

  3. Select the change to be made: Assign Revenue Category or Reset to Default.

Assign Revenue Category will create a modal that shows the number of records (items) that will be affected and a dropdown to select the New Revenue Category.

Revert to Default will change the selected items back to the original category set in Novi. A single item can also be reverted by clicking the link Revert to Default on the item.

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