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Member Event Registration from Frontend Website
Member Event Registration from Frontend Website

Learn how members can register for events on your association's website.

Jenn Norman, CAE avatar
Written by Jenn Norman, CAE
Updated over 10 months ago

Let's learn about the path your users take to register for an event! First things first... for a member to register for one of your events, the event must be created, set to active, and have tickets associated with that event.Β 

Finding the Event Registration Page

Before registration can happen, users must be able to find your event- whether that's in the calendar or from a direct link. From the event details page, they will click the Registration Options button. Note that depending on website theme, the details page setup and look will vary.

From there, the registration path varies depending on your ticket setup or Attendee Based or Ticket Based registration.

Attendee Based Registration

Selecting Attendees

In an attendee-based scenario, the attendees are chosen up front. Depending on your settings, the user will be able to select their co-workers from a dropdown and/or enter in a guest's name.

Select Tickets Per Attendee

Once the attendees have been selected, the next step offers a page for each separate attendee, allowing the person registering to choose which ticket(s) apply to each attendee.

Selecting a record from the drop-down (see above) will auto-fill the member details you may have on record (and set on the registration form) including their name, email, phone number, company, mobile phone, shipping address, and job title. If such a record does not exist, they can manually enter the attendee's details (see below).

This also applies to custom fields that you have on both member records & events. The information will populate from the record. Note that updates to the event information will not update the member record for security purposes.

Ticket Based Registration

Selecting Tickets

The first step in the registration process allows users to preview and select any ticket options or product add-ons available for them for purchase.

Note, members will need to be logged-in to their account in order to purchase any tickets that have been set to view/purchase by logged-in members or are accessible by certain groups.

Filling Out Their Details

After filling in the number of tickets they would like to purchase, they will be directed to fill out the attendee information form that you created during event set-up for each ticket.

If the member is logged-in, they will be able to see and select other staff members in their family tree/company, to quickly add them to the registration as well (can be turned off via settings).

Selecting a record from the drop-down will auto-fill the member details from their record - including their name, email, phone number, company, mobile phone, shipping address, and job title - if those fields are included on the ticket. If such a record does not exist, they can manually enter the attendee's details.

If the Attendee Name field is not required then a checkbox for "I'm not sure who is coming yet" will show up as an option on the frontend and backend. If this is checked during registration a value of "TBD" will be entered in the First Name field, and each TBD will be counted as a unique attendee.

This also applies to custom fields that you have on both member records & events. The information will populate from the record. If the fields are auto-populated and they change on the record before the event takes place, the registration will also be updated. Note that updates in the other direction (to the event fields and not the record) will not update the member record for security purposes.

Note: Manually entering an attendee and their details does not automatically add them to your database. Manually entering additional details on an existing record will not update and overwrite the record in your database.

Completing Registration

In either type of registration, the checkout process is the same.

Registration Summary/Checkout

Next, they will see a preview of their registration summary. Any attendee names can be clicked to be taken back to edit their information.

Any email addresses that have been added to the attendee form will be displayed in the "Send Confirmation Email" field. They can also add additional email addresses if they need to copy someone else on the confirmation.

If the individual is logged-in, they will have the option to pay by credit card or be issued an invoice to pay later. Note, that if you only allowed credit card payment for your tickets, they will only see that option.

If an individual has not logged-in, they will only have the option to pay by credit card.

If the user is logged in and selects invoice as the payment method, then the member is asked to select a billable party. The choices available to the member (themselves or their company) are governed by a series of settings that your organization made during setup. Learn more about Purchaser vs Billable Party.

Completing the Registration

Once all the above items are completed, the individual will click the Complete Registration button and then be directed to an event confirmation page with the details of their purchase. If the event was set up with a "Post Registration" message, that will be displayed here as well.

Confirmation Email

A confirmation email will also be sent to any email addresses that were included in the registration. Any custom information that was added to the event for the ticket they purchased will be included in the email.

The billable contact will also get an email with a link or copy of their invoice.

Additional Info

  • If someone has already purchased a ticket and decides they want to also purchase a second (different) ticket for the same event, they can do so from the frontend. They just can't purchase a second of the original ticket for themselves.

  • The Add to Calendar button displays based on the setting determined in Association Settings > Events tab.

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