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Enable and Edit the Pending Membership and New Member Welcome Emails
Enable and Edit the Pending Membership and New Member Welcome Emails

Learn how to create a custom welcome email for new members.

Melanie Dupont avatar
Written by Melanie Dupont
Updated over 4 months ago

Novi AMS will automatically send a welcome email to new members unless you disable this setting. Each Member Type can have its own customized welcome message.

Sections in this article:

How to Enable the Pending Membership and Welcome Emails

Each Member Type can have a unique pending membership and/or welcome message. Therefore, the first step is to go to the specific Member Type.

  1. In the admin section, go to Members > select the Member Type

  2. Go to the Details tab

  3. Scroll down to Enable Pending Membership Email* or Welcome Email and toggle it to ON

*Note that the Pending Membership Email is only available for member types that require admin approval.

How to Edit the Pending Membership and Welcome Emails

1. Enter the Subject/Title

2. Enter the Email Body 

  • Refer to the section below for more info about available Merge Tags.

3. Click the Save button (upper right)

4. Send a sample email to check the formatting of the email (located below the Email Body)

  • If the sample email is not showing the edits, go back and click the Save button, then send another test email.


Merge Tags (also called Merge Fields)

The following merge fields (also called merge tags) can be added to the Email Body to personalize messaging.

Default Merge Fields

To use a built-in merge field, be sure to include the double brackets and no spaces. Also, merge fields are case-sensitive.

  • [[FirstName]] - this will return “FirstName” for individual based member-types only.

    • NOTE: If your member type is company-based, this will not apply and you should use [[Name]] instead.

  • [[LastName]] - this will return “LastName” for individual based members only.

    • NOTE: If your member type is company-based, this will not apply and you should use [[Name]] instead.

  • [[Name]] - for company-based member types this will display the company's name, and for individual member types it will display the person's full name (first + last)

  • [[NameAbbreviated]] - this is your organization's name abbreviated

  • [[ParentName]] - this is the name of the parent member to which a person or organization is connected.

  • [[MembershipPeriodStartDate]] - this is the member's most current "Member Since" date. That is, the Membership Period Start Date will display the Member Since date that reflects the membership period covered by the current dues invoice.

  • [[CurrentExpirationDate]] - this is the member's expiration date prior to the renewal

  • [[NewExpirationDate]] - this merge field is included by default (below the custom message), even though you don't see it in the Email Body

  • [[PaymentDueDate]] - this merge field is included by default (below the custom message), even though you don't see it in the Email Body

  • [[TotalDues]] - this merge field is included by default (below the custom message), even though you don't see it in the Email Body

  • [[LinkToCompass]] - this is a link to the Member Compass

  • [[LinkToContactUs]] - this is a link to your website's Contact Us page

  • [[LinkToPayInvoice]] - this link allows the user to submit payment without logging in, BUT that means they will not have the option to save their credit card or opt-in to auto-pay (if available for their member type)

Custom Merge Fields

Create your own merge fields for any Custom Fields in your site. To create a custom merge field, be sure to include the double brackets and keep any spaces (if applicable). Also, merge fields are case-sensitive and should include any punctuation (like & or apostrophes).

For example, if you have a custom field called "Rank" with options like Chief and Lieutenant, you could add this as a merge tag to address the new member.

If the custom field has a Field Name that's different than the Display Name, you should use the Field Name for the merge tag.

  • In the example in the screenshot above, the merge tag would be:
    [[Annual Sales Volume - Associate Members]]

Which Email Address Receives the Pending Membership and Welcome Emails?

For individuals signing up for new individual membership on the frontend, the pending membership and welcome emails are sent to that person's email address.

For a new company joining on the frontend, the pending membership and welcome email are sent to the Primary Contact's email address. This is the person who is logged in and submitting the membership application on behalf of the company.

  • Note: If the company's membership requires approval and someone removes the Primary Contact's email address before the signup is approved (or removes the person as the company's Primary Contact), the system will then attempt to send the welcome email to the company's email address.

For admin registrations on the backend, the system will attempt to send the email to the Primary Contact if there is one. Otherwise it will send to the company's email address.

When are the Pending Member and Welcome Emails Sent?

Pending Membership Email

  • For member types that require admin approval, the pending email is sent when the membership has been created and is placed into a pending state while awaiting admin approval.

  • If the pending membership email is disabled (on the Details tab of the Member Type), no message will be sent to pending members.

  • If a new member is approved, unapproved, and then reapproved (and the pending membership email is turned on for their member type) - the system will NOT resend the pending member email each time you unapprove the record.

Welcome Email

  • For member types that require admin approval, the welcome email will be sent after the admin approves the member (in Recent Signups or directly on the member record).

  • For member types that do not require admin approval, the welcome email will be sent to the member as soon as they join.

  • If the welcome email is disabled (on the Details tab of the Member Type), no message will be sent to new members.

  • If a new member is approved, unapproved, and then reapproved (and the welcome email is turned on for their member type) - the system will resend the welcome email each time you approve the record.

NOTE: For new members added via the backend by an admin, see below for more info.

How to Turn Off (Disable) the Pending Membership and Welcome Emails

If new members should not receive a welcome email, this can be disabled on the Member Type's Details tab by switching Enable Welcome Email to OFF:

Adding a Member from the Backend

For members who were added on the backend by an admin, the admin can choose to auto-approve the membership or not. If the membership is set to auto-approve off, the toggle for send pending membership email will appear, IF it is enabled on the member type.

If the admin chooses to auto-approve the membership, the toggle for send welcome email will appear, IF it is enabled on the member type. If the member type does not have a welcome email enabled, the option will not be displayed. If the new member does not have an email address, the toggle will be greyed out.

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