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What's New at Novi: Late July 2024

Novi AMS regularly releases new enhancements - check out what's new!

Taryn Hill avatar
Written by Taryn Hill
Updated over a week ago

We're excited to share the newest features released by Novi AMS!

Quick Jumps:

Financial Updates

❎ Completely Prohibit Invoicing Privileges for Specific Records

Occasionally there are some users who treat invoices as optional and fail to pay them on time, leaving the association to have to track down payment long after it was due. Prohibiting invoice privileges per record blocks any other record from within the family tree from setting that record as the billable party on the invoice.

⚙️ Non-Renew & Credit Skips Partially Paid Invoices to Finish Action

When batch non-renew & crediting invoices, the functionality will process all non-renew & credits and display a list of invoices that were skipped for admins to follow up on.

💡Learn More: Non-Renew and Credit

🚨Warning Displayed Before Sending Non-Renewed Invoices

If a non-renewed & credited invoice is part of a batch action to be sent, the system will display a warning that invoices that were non-renewed are included, allowing the admin to decide to send or not send those invoices.

When invoices are Non-Renewed & Credited as a Batch action on the Transactions page, a copy of the non-renewed invoice is not automatically sent to the member. The reasoning for this is because QuickBooks shows the invoice as "Paid" which can be confusing to the member, as Non-Renew is a status applied only on the Novi side.

💡Learn More: Non-Renew and Credit

Functionality Updates

🔍 Parent Field Searches Alias Field on Frontend to Connect Records

Admins can put data into the Alias field on a record from the backend, and this data when searched on the frontend will connect users to the Parent record with the Alias data. For example, if admins have the Alias for University of Florida listed as UF, frontend users searching University of Florida or UF would be shown the University of Florida.

💡Learn More: Creating User Accounts

Users Added in Member Compass Have User Account Created

Users who are added via the Member Compass by those who are Primary Contact, Billing Contact, or Management Access users will automatically have their user account created and an email will be sent to the user to reset their password. If an email is already in use by another user, no user account will be created.

👀 Display Custom Field Section Descriptions on Frontend/Backend

Custom field sections can be edited to add descriptive text to help frontend users better understand the custom fields listed within each section. Admins will also see the section's description on the backend.

Frontend view of custom field section and description:

📨 Add Instructional Text to Email Field

Help users know which email address the association needs from them during the Join or Account Creation process by updating the Email field's instructional text, which does display on the frontend.

Event Update

🎟️ Add Descriptions to Ticket Categories

Help frontend users more easily identify which ticket category applies to them and share important information users may need to know when selecting tickets. The ticket category description displays for admins on the backend, too!

✨ Feature Flashback

The Item Sales Report offers a fantastic dashboard summary of sales as well as detailed financial reporting broken out for admins to review.

Curious how Novi decides what features to make a reality?
Check out our article:
Making an Impact: Prioritizing Your Novi AMS Feature Requests

Have questions? Contact Novi AMS!

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