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Event Import - Attendees
Melisa Smith avatar
Written by Melisa Smith
Updated over a week ago

Now that your events and tickets are ready, let's move on to attendees!

By importing your attendees, you're letting the Novi system know that certain people attended the event so you can track and compare that data with other events you'll have in the system. This is what tells the system that John Smith came to your event.

If the system can match the attendee up to a record in your member spreadsheet, either by the Member Import ID or their email address, the event record will be attached to the member record as well. 

Video - Attendee Spreadsheet for Import

Watch the video above for a guide to the attendees spreadsheet for an event import. For a more detailed description of each column in text, read on below!

Attendee Import Columns

Below, we'll dive in to the columns listed in an attendee import spreadsheet. Remember, events and tickets will be in their own, separate sheets. Each section below represents a column that can be imported via Excel spreadsheet. The order listed below is the preferred order of the columns.

Important Note!

Required columns are noted as such, but please notice that this spreadsheet has many conditionally required columns. Many of these fields play into each other (one is required only if the other doesn't exist), so be sure to read the below carefully!

Event Attendee Import Information

Import ID

*Required. We'll take care of this one for you, so please leave it blank. Essentially, every attendee in this sheet needs an ID number, in the event that a re-import needs to happen for any reason. We will label each of your attendees a number starting with 1. You won't see this again after import.

Member ID

*Conditionally Required. This is the ID of the member which should match exactly to the ID from your Members Import Spreadsheet. This is one of the reasons we recommend simply using the member's name as their Import ID (so that you don't need to run any Excel formulas to look up their ID from a different spreadsheet). 

This is conditionally required, because this is what allows the system to match up the attendee record with the member record in the system. This would allow the member to see this event in their Events tab on their Member Compass, and for you to see it on their member record on the backend.

However, if you do not include this ID in the attendee spreadsheet, the system will try to match the attendee's email address with an email on an individual's record in the system.

If neither match, or if the attendee wasn't in your member data spreadsheet, you will still see the attendee's name on the attendee list of the event, but the registration won't be connected to a record in the system.

Attendee Name

*Conditionally Required. This is conditionally required because you either need this field (the Full Name) OR the two fields below this (First Name AND Last Name). You do not need both. This makes it easier for you to format the column the way that you have the information that came from your current system.

First Name

*Conditionally Required. This is conditionally required because you either need this field AND the Last Name field OR the Attendee Name field above. You do not need both. If you have this field, you also need the Last Name below.

Last Name

*Conditionally Required. This is conditionally required because you either need this field AND the First Name field OR the Attendee Name field above. You do not need both. If you have this field, you also need the First Name above.

Email Address

*Conditionally Required. This is the attendee's email address. This is only conditionally required because it is the fallback to the Member Import ID (see above) to matching an attendee to a member record in the system. If there is no Member Import ID, or the one in this attendee sheet doesn't exist, it tries to match on email next. This would allow the member to see this event in their Events tab on their Member Compass, and for you to see it on their member record. 

If neither match, you don't include either, or if the attendee wasn't in your member's spreadsheet, you will still see the attendee's name on the attendee list of the event, but it won't be connected to a record in the system.

Event ID

*Required. This is the ID of the event the attendee went to. This should match the Event ID you entered in your Events spreadsheet. Remember, you probably just used the event's name for the ID.

Ticket ID

*Conditionally Required. This is the Ticket ID from your Tickets spreadsheet (we recommended using Event Name + Ticket Name). This is only required if the Ticket Name (below) does not exist (one of them must, so whichever is easier for you). This is what will match up the attendee to the specific ticket in your Tickets spreadsheet. 

Ticket Name

*Conditionally Required. This is the name of the ticket itself (Example: Member, Non-member, etc.) This is only required if the Ticket ID (above) does not exist (one of them must). This is what will match up the attendee to the specific ticket in your Tickets spreadsheet. 

Purchased On

*Required. This is the date the attendee's ticket was purchased, in MM/DD/YYYY format. If you do not have this data, we recommend using the event start date.

Purchased By Attendee

*Conditionally Required. You must either have this field or the Purchaser Import ID below. If the attendee purchased their own ticket, simply put "Yes" in this field. This is the simplest way to go.

Purchaser Import ID

*Conditionally Required. You must either have this field or the Purchased By Attendee field above. If the attendee did not purchase their own ticket, enter the Member ID of the purchaser.


This is the attendee's company name.


If this event has already happened, you can add "Yes" or "No" for if the registered attendee actually attended the event or not. Note that this MUST be marked "Yes" in order to apply a CEU toward an attendee.

Custom Fields

If you included any custom fields in your Tickets spreadsheet, add a column for the custom field names, and include the value next to the attendee. For example, if a ticket was collecting Dietary Restrictions, you could write "Vegetarian" in that attendee's row in that column.

Phone, Job Title, Mobile Phone, Shipping Address (Line 1, Line 2, City, State, Zip)

All of these are non-required member fields that can be imported into an attendee row.

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