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Roundtable: Winning over Prospects and Keeping Members Engaged
Roundtable: Winning over Prospects and Keeping Members Engaged

May 24, 2021 Week of Novi Roundtables

Jaime Morgan, CAE avatar
Written by Jaime Morgan, CAE
Updated over a week ago

During this roundtable, customers shared the ways they engage with members, prospective members, and the tools they use to track member engagement.

For a full recap, watch the video. For a general recap, check out the notes below.

What's Worked Well?

How do you determine who needs extra attention during renewal time?

The Atlanta Apartment Association utilizes the Member Engagement Report to make a list of members who are paying dues, but not engaged. They use a date range of 1+ years, and filter it by member type to see who's not engaged. This provides an easy list of members to contact that you can provide to your membership staff or committee.


The Member Engagement report tracks engagement by who has attended an event, or purchased a product, within a certain time frame. Don't be afraid of the numbers if the percentages aren't what you'd like them to be! Instead, use that data to make decisions about who to contact and get involved.

How do you fight "information silos" about membership and leverage that information to keep your members engaged?

The Apartment Association of Greater Dallas is utilizing the Activity Tracking and Timeline feature to take notes on membership updates. Once a month AAGD features a member in their magazine. It is free for the member, and provides content for their magazine and member recognition.

They were struggling to get a particular member engaged and connecting with the right contact at the company. The AAGD team was diligent about putting in notes in that member's record about attempted contacts and updates, which allowed them to be able to have a conversation with the member, offer them the spot in their magazine and get them engaged. "Here's something free that you're not utilizing that could benefit you, and it's good for your investors, because you're being featured by an outside organization and you can show them that recognition."


Utilize the Activity Tracking and Timeline feature in Novi to keep notes about a member (or prospective member). It can help reduce "information silos" and improve cross-functional communication. Even if you are a small staff or even a one-person staff, the historical information will be there for future reference! You can view the information on that particular record, or pull a report of activities with the Activity Timeline Report.

Incentivize your Membership Committee

AAA requires each person interested in serving on a committee to serve on their Membership Committee first. They want people to get engaged at that level, meet other members, and benefit the association since the committee members learn more about how the association operates.

Committee splits itself into teams - they "draft" members onto the teams within the committee. Those teams get lists of members up for renewal as well as prospect lists, and they then compete to win prizes! AAA pays them small sums of money for each time they get a renewal or new member. Since the committee is doing the work of reaching out to members about renewals and getting new members, that allows for AAA's Membership staff to focus on the database and making sure the information about their members is correct.

Use Underrepresented Directory Categories to identify potential members.

The Arizona Multi-housing Association has an annual membership drive that takes place over 3 months. They give away cash prizes for the top 3 teams and recognize them at their annual awards program.

One tip they shared is that AMA utilizes the directory categories as a resource. By reviewing the categories and the number of members within them, they are able to identify categories that might just have one or two members. This allows them to provide information to their membership committee about the types of businesses they need to recruit.

Member Recognition

AAGD is recognizing their new supplier members on social media and links the post to the member's directory profile page on the AAGD website. This helps them cross-sell directory enhancements and also drives traffic to their website (which in turn benefits their directory advertisers).

They are also utilizing the new Directories feature to create multiple member directories in fresh new ways, such as creating exclusive attendee directories from their events, and only providing access to the attendee directory to those that register or sponsor the event.

Additional Resources

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