What is the Daily Digest?
The Daily Digest is an email summary of activities that need attention. It's automatically generated and sent to the recipients listed in Association Settings under the Association tab.
AE Tip: All admins can receive the Daily Digest...better to have too many eyes on it than not enough! List all emails to receive the Daily Digest in the Daily Digest Email Recipient(s) field.
When is the Daily Digest sent?
Since the Daily Digest email only includes applicable information, it's not actually sent every day. On the days it is sent, the email goes out at 8:30AM EST.
What information is in the Daily Digest?
When applicable, the following information will be included in the Daily Digest email:
Dues Rules changed since the last email
Dues Rules in draft status
Memberships renewed since the last email
Subscriptions renewed since the last email
Customers deleted in QuickBooks since the last email
Members expiring in a week
Members expired yesterday
Custom transaction numbers turned on in QuickBooks
QuickBooks Connection Failure
Products Missing an Active QuickBooks Item
API Keys with disabled Webhooks
Recent Signups
The "Recent Signups" section of the Daily Digest email will not include signups that were completed by an admin on the backend.
It will include new dues-paying members, inheriting members (even if their parent company is pending approval), and individuals who created a user account (this could include expired members, prospects, and even non-members if your settings allow it).
Groups that failed to calculate or sync properly
Connection to MailChimp/Constant Contact is broken
Constant Contact connection is invalid.
Test the connection and/or reconnect in Association Settings > Integrations.
API Key for MailChimp is invalid.
Check if your API key is still valid in Association Settings > Integrations.
Auto-pay for these members have failed
Members will have already been notified to update their credit card information
Auto-Renewal Reminder
This message is sent 14 days and 3 days prior to the scheduled renewal date for calendar renewal member types.
Possible Issue with Transactional Email Domain Authentication
This message is sent when your DNS has failed to authenticate for sending transactional emails from Novi through SendGrid.
Member Joins or Renews with $0 Dues