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Ecommerce Product Set-Up Details
Ecommerce Product Set-Up Details

Learn more about the available set-up options for your Ecommerce products, including required and optional settings.

Melanie Dupont avatar
Written by Melanie Dupont
Updated over a month ago

If the product you want to view and edit is not in Novi yet, refer to this article first: Create a New Product in Novi or Import Existing Products from QuickBooks Online.

You can also copy an existing product in Novi. Simply go to the Product List and click the drop-down arrow in the Action column, then select Copy Product.

When creating a new Ecommerce Product in Novi, you will see the options listed below in the New Product pop-up modal.

New Product Modal:

You can also access the same information on an existing product, whether it was created in Novi or imported from QuickBooks Online. 

Go to Ecommerce > Products > click on the product Name (or the Edit link in the Action column). This will open the product in a full-page view with multiple tabs.

Read on for more information about the available options under the Details tab.

Details Tab on a Product Page:

For each product in Novi's Ecommerce section (regardless of how it was created), you'll find the following settings:

Product Details

  • Name & Category: These fields are required and will show on the frontend of your website.


Select whether it is typical pricing, donation-based, offline or calculated.

  • Paid: Paid pricing allows admins to choose if it is a one-time purchase or a subscription (monthly or annual). Separate pricing can also be set for members versus non-members.

  • Donation: Donation pricing allows for a minimum and/or suggested amount. This amount can be a one-time purchase or a subscription (monthly or annual). Note that the suggested donation amount cannot be lower than the minimum amount required.

  • Offline: This category of products is typically for items/services you want to advertise in your store, but online purchasing is not allowed.

    • These products do not require a QuickBooks Account, since they aren't being purchased online.

    • New offline products created in Novi will not automatically sync to your Products & Services list in QuickBooks Online. This excludes products that already existed inside of QuickBooks and were imported into Novi - those will continue to update. This ensures that those products are truly treated as "offline."

    • A contact form will display instead, allowing users to contact the organization for more details:

  • Calculated: Calculated pricing works similarly to dues rules as it allows rule conditions to be created to calculate pricing.


  • Access to Purchase - The default setting allows companies, individuals, and non-members to purchase the product. If access should be limited, update these checkboxes as needed.

  • Payment - To require a credit card payment, check the box for "Disable Invoicing in Ecommerce Checkout."

  • Taxable - This setting will add tax to the product during checkout.


  • Requires Fulfillment - Toggle ON to receive an email if the product is purchased from the store (if an email is set up in your Association Settings) and for the order to appear in your Orders tab.

  • Delivery Options - Depending on your Ecommerce setup in Association Settings, you may have the option for Physical or Virtual Delivery.

  • Shipping Weight - If you have chosen Physical Delivery, this option will appear. This will apply to the product in the checkout cart and is calculated based on the setup in your Association Settings.


  • Limited Quantity - Until the limit is reached, a badge will be displayed on the frontend with the number of "Items Remaining." Once the limit is reached, users will see a "Sold Out" badge on the frontend of your website. Admins can override the quantity limit on backend purchases.

  • Set Date & Time - Set the date and time at which a product will be available to purchase. If shown in the store, users can see the product but cannot purchase the product until the date and time are met. The product will display a message that says, "Available starting XX/XX/XXXX at XX:XX (time zone)."

  • Visible only within purchase window (Set Date & Time must be checked for this to appear) - Setting dates and times for visibility means users will not see the product and cannot purchase the product until the date and times are met. Unlike the Set Date & Time setting, the product is not displayed until it can be purchased.

Web Store

  • Visibility - Checking the box to mark the product as Featured will display the product on the right side of the Products page on your website.

    • Note: There is a limit of 5 products that can be displayed. They are ordered randomly and selected from all the products marked as featured. For example, if you make 10 products featured, they will randomly be rotated in and out of that list of 5.

  • Image - Product images are 250 x 250 (square). Uploaded images will be forced to this size and shape automatically, so be sure to utilize the image adjustment tool to resize and/or crop as needed.

  • You also have the option to determine who can access this product:

    • Accessible to Public - This is the default setting.

    • Only Accessible to Logged In Members with Benefits - Selecting this will restrict product access to current members.

    • Only Accessible to These Groups/Committees - If you select this option, make sure you’ve created the group or committee to which you want to restrict access to this product.

  • Description - This information about the product will show on the frontend product page (and can also be edited there).

Frontend View:


  • Confirmation Information - This language will appear in the order confirmation email and on the successful order confirmation page after checkout.

    • Purchasers can also see this confirmation information under the My Orders tab in their Member Compass.

  • Send New Order Notifications To - Set up individualized alerts for the sale of a specific product by adding email address(es) here.

    • For example, a marketing admin to receive a notification email each time the "1/4 Page Advertisement" product is purchased through the Ecommerce store.

    • Regarding the information in this notification email, please note:

      • This email will include information about an entire order, so it may include multiple products, even if the notification email is only set up for one of the purchased products.

      • It will also include information about the Purchaser (their name, phone number, and email address) in case the admin wants to reach out.

    • NOTE: If all order notifications (regardless of which product) should be sent to a specific email address, this can be set up in Association Settings (on the Ecommerce tab > “New Order Notification Email Address” field).


  • Products are linked to ACCOUNTS in QuickBooks Online. When creating or editing a product in Novi, the Account drop-down will list your accounts in this order:

    1. Income Accounts

    2. Liability Accounts

    3. Other Accounts

  • Products are different than event tickets or dues rules, which are linked to a QuickBooks item/product. By adding a product in Novi, you are also adding an item/product to your Chart of Accounts in Quickbooks.

  • Include an item description on the product's invoice using the field Invoice Item Description. The Novi product Invoice Item Description will sync with the Quickbooks Online product description. That is, an update to the description in either system will reflect in the other.

Search Engine Optimization

  • The Friendly File Name will be the end of the frontend URL for this product (if the product is shown in the store).

Items of Note

  • A product purchased from the Ecommerce store that is marked as "Requires Fulfillment" will create an order, which will be added to the Orders list (on the backend).

  • If a product has a limited quantity and an admin is submitting the order on the backend, the admin will see a message with the remaining available quantity. If the quantity goes over the limit, the admin can override and submit the order anyway.

  • You can decide if the product should appear in your frontend store by using the "Shown In Store" toggle at the top right of the product page, or the green check mark on the Product list view.

  • If you want a product available for backend admins to create purchase orders, but not available for purchase on your site, you can set the product as not "Shown In Store" but still "Active."

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  • Novi Product Purchases - View the purchase details of a specific product all in one place: Purchaser, Order Type & Status, Quantity, Price Paid & Discount, and more!

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