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Novi Product Purchases
Novi Product Purchases

View the purchase details of a specific product all in one place: Purchaser, Order Type & Status, Quantity, Price Paid & Discount, and more!

Melanie Dupont avatar
Written by Melanie Dupont
Updated over a week ago

For admins who want to see more information about the sales of an Ecommerce Product, the Purchases tab of the product shows line item details from various orders that contain this particular product. 

To view this data, go to Ecommerce > Products > click on the product Name (or the Edit link in the Action column). This will open the product in a full page view with multiple tabs. This article explains the Purchases tab.

Please Note: Subscription renewals will not show in the Purchases list because they are not new orders.

Product Purchases

Each product in Novi has the following information available by default on the Purchases tab:

Order #

The Order # represents the entire order that contained this particular product (i.e. line item). Clicking the Order # will open the order in a pop-up modal (same as clicking the "Edit Order" link in the Action column). The order may or may not include other products.

Within the pop-up modal, admins can edit the Order Status, Email, Phone, and Purchaser Information. There's also a summary of the order information, a button to view the related transaction, and a link to the Audit Log for this order.


Information about the user who placed the order - name, parent company, phone, email, billing address, membership status, expiration date.

  1. If the user was logged in, their name will be linked to their member record. 

  2. If they were not logged in, they will be listed as a Novi Guest (no link). Also note: If you build a Group based on product purchases, guest purchasers are not included in the Group.


The date the order was created. The list can also be filtered by a date range.

Order Type

The source of the product purchase. This column is also available as a filter.

  • Placed by Admin - order placed on the backend

  • Store - order placed on the frontend website

  • Event Add-on - purchased along with an event ticket

  • Membership Add-on - purchased while joining

  • Connected App - order created by an incoming API feed

Order Status

The current status of the order. Orders that require fulfillment will be listed as "Open" until an admin updates the status to "Fulfilled" (or the order is canceled). This column is also available as a filter.

  • Fulfilled

  • Open

  • Canceled

Payment Status

This column shows if the transaction is an Invoice or a Sales Receipt, and whether it is Paid or Unpaid. Clicking on the transaction will open the Product Invoice or the Sales Receipt in a modal.

The purchaser’s name will be on the invoice in the "message displayed on invoice" section, so the billable party knows who made the purchase.

Within the pop-up modal, there's a button to receive payment on invoices, email or print the transaction, and a link to the Audit Log.


The quantity purchased for this particular product. Note that the order may have other products as well, which would not be included here.

Price Paid

The amount charged for the product. Note that this is the cost for a quantity of 1 and will not change based on the quantity in the order.


The amount deducted from the Price Paid, based on the use of a Promo Code.

Net Amount

The amount paid after any discounts were deducted from the original price. Note that this total represents all pages of the Purchases list (based on the filter) - not just the total for the items on page 1. 

Additional Options on the Purchases Tab

Search & Filter

Use the search box at the top of the Purchases list to filter by:

  • Order #

  • Purchaser

  • Related Event

Use the Filter drop-down to filter the Purchases list by:

  • Order Type

  • Order Status

  • Date

  • Use the printer icon to print or save the list as a PDF file.

  • Use the excel icon to export the list as a CSV file.

Gear Icon

Use the gear icon (next to the print & export icons) to determine the number of rows displayed on each page, and to enable or disable display columns. For a complete list of available columns see: Available Columns in List Views & Exports.

Some of the data in this list is displayed as a hyperlink so you can jump to those items on the backend. Tip: Open these links in new tabs so you don't lose your filters.

  • You can click on a specific Product from this report page to go to the product on the backend

  • To open a specific order, you can click on the Order # or the Edit link in the Action column

  • To open a transaction, click on the Invoice or Sales Receipt in the Payment Status column

  • In the Purchaser column, you can click on the Purchaser's Name or the Purchaser's Parent Company (if applicable) to open the corresponding member record

  • If the Order Type is an event add-on, you can click the Related Event link to open the event on the backend


At the bottom of the Purchases list, admins can see totals for the following columns:

  • Quantity

  • Discount

  • Net Amount

Important Note: The totals only reflect what's in Novi. Final accounting reports should be pulled from QuickBooks Online.

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